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Whats wrong with this country.???

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Edited to add: What worries even more Ian is that you watch GMTV :lol:


Was just connecting a cable up to the tv I got yesterday off ebay, just so happens that was the first thing that was on this morning :whistling::icon_redface:

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went to my little lads play at the village school last night.he was a king in a proper nativity play.only 100 kids at the school and it was great.thats how it should be.


I can see an uprising coming ... :censored:

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I'm not even a practicing anything, but it makes me angry to see that we are being forced to abandon long held traditions in favour of the Goverment's appeasing, boot licking attitudes that we see all the time nowadays.

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went to my little lads play at the village school last night.he was a king in a proper nativity play.only 100 kids at the school and it was great.thats how it should be.


I can see an uprising coming ... :censored:

The school my brother and siste go to only built this year has 100 cctv cameras in and a full time pc plod and all the rules are really stupid my mum works at a playgroup you would never belive what checks and cources they have to do and now she has 5 foriginers(cant spell) who cant speak english they have a goverment paid translator go in evry day to help.............WHY they should learn english befourr we let them over here :censored::wallbash:

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?................... Sit at home and moan about it!!!


Has the time come to act or have we left it to late?




Ive said it before and i,ll say it again.......this will be the only choice we are left with as decent british people so why not now rather than later..... www.bnp.org.uk

Edited by gnasher16
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went to my little lads play at the village school last night.he was a king in a proper nativity play.only 100 kids at the school and it was great.thats how it should be.


I can see an uprising coming ... :censored:



I know. Everywhere you go, people are not happy. I went into the paper shop yesterday, and the shopkeeper and another customer were saying the country has become a joke. Same story on EVERY job I go to, every building site, every pub, everywhere. Me and the lads cant have a chat for more than 10 mins without the subject coming up. I don't think even a change of government will placate things for very long. I think it's only the British spirit that has stopped anything happening so far, our seemingly boundless tollerance, our tradition of moaning about things, but then getting on with our lives regardless. We take a swipe, moan about it, then get back up and carry on like before.

The problem is, we've only so many cheeks that we can turn..... :gunsmilie::boxing:

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the trouble with us ENGLISH is we moan and groan on sites like this at work at home etc, we dont stand up and shout put pen to paper and complain to the powers that be etc. as far as i can remember the only three groups who have stood up in recent times are pensioners protesting about council tax in the west country, pro hunters against the hunting ban and fuel protesters.

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what no nativity play its a part of growing up what ever colour or race and will be a memory you will carry forever i was the innkeeper :showoff:

this country has really fallen foul to problems like this....eg hsbc offer intrest free home owner loans to muslim customers but not to bristish people, its plain wrong i meen when was the last time you heard of our country being called 'great' britain by some one without them having to think about doing it. itll only get worse too.... ill be voting bnp next time round for sure, yup its bout time we had a serios uprising

lee :gunsmilie:

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I'm not sure if there is such a problem with the muslims. We have fanatics and nutters of our own sure enough, so these fundamentalists and religious extremists are a small percentage of them -----I hope.

What really gets my back up is these creeping slime balls of any party in parliament, and moreso on local councils who are supposed to be our countrymen. Some of them seem to spend all their waking hours thinking of things we should not do,so as not to offend our ethnics.

I have a Jamaican mate, if you ask him how he takes his coffee, he says "BLACK" mate, none of this "with milk,or without milk"crap that is pushed out from the council house.

Also, we have a buddhist at work, I asked him (years ago now) what they do at christmas. Hell,he says,we have turkey, cards,presents and everything. We love christmas. My kids can't miss out on it.

The muslim "problem"has been going on a good while now,didn't King Richard the Lionheart go and lay siege to Acre,hundreds of years ago?

And,while he was away meddling,he left this country to his bro John,and his mate the sheriff of nottingham. Thank goodness for the men in green tights!!

You don't have to like any or all of the foreigners,but just remember,it's our own politicians that have made it so easy to walk into this country,and when you are in you can get more or less everything for nothing. We even have people trained to go round and make sure they claim everything they are "entitled" to. :angry:

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