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Noticed this on the dogs leg, he was taken to the vet and given antibiotics. After a month it has at last cleared however he still reluctant to put any weight on that leg. Had him out last weekend after just one run he was lifting leg, shy to use it, holding it high. Vet unsure of next step although has suggested the dog thinks he's going to feel pain so reluctant to put his full weight down or run at full pelt. Two doses of antibiotics have cleared the wound and swelling has gone. . Any ideas are welcome.


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Yes Gaz going to give him another week of limited exercise if no improvement get it X-rayed. Vet seems to think it just needs time to heal correctly, and not that confident anything will show on an X-Ray anyway. I've never seen anything like it before my wife thinks it's a false widow spider bite.

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That sounds like crap about him being reluctant because he thinks he will feel pain. If hes holding it up hes feeling pain. Is this vet a greyhound vet? Is that picture of it now or when it was bad? Have you tried a good greyhound chiropractor? Also I would keep putting sudacrem on it. Its great stuff and cant do any harm.

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Jeemes, that photo was about 4 weeks ago and it has healed up and swelling has gone. It's just he's still not putting weight down on it. I haven't been to a greyhound vet yet because thought antibiotics would do the job. But it could be two separate issues the antibiotics has cleared up the swelling and infection but he still could have damaged his leg. I'm not really sure how he got it in the first place to be honest I was offshore and the wife noticed it and took him straight to the vets. Think as you suggest I need to find a greyhound bone man if he can't find anything at least it narrows things down a bit.

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Is there a foreign body in there like a thorn or barbed wire?

No pretty sure there's nothing in there, it was punctured cleaned out and flushed twice a day with salt water the wound is healed it's just he's lame on that leg.
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