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Why Aren't Gundog Lurchers Popular?

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I genuinely don't know why gundog lurchers aren't more popular. I like collie crosses, but as lurcher work goes ( in the true sense of the word) I would think gundog breeds would be up there along si

Socks wants a gundog X whippet ?

Yes pal I read it tried to get my uncle to write in but hes not really an extrovert to be honest! But all the things Hancock said ring true to be fair this cross has been around and a few people use i

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Sweeping statement socks, why are they shit?

Surely if they were of much use they would be more popular?


Let's have it right every cross under the sun has been tried at some point. The good stuff tends to stick around and the not so good stuff tends to fade away.

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Every thread about Gundog crosses is positive, on paper for a run of the mill lurcher it should work. Not sure they have been worked and failed Gaz. I think people just stick to what they know.

They've definitely been tried Allan. I'm not saying they've failed but they aren't popular...

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Ok I will stop being a tit for a second ... What would a gun dog bring to the table that isn't already available ??? Not a lot .... They hunt primararly by scent a hound does that better ... Their soft mouthed ... ok if your only after rabbits ... Great in water ... You don't catch many rabbits in the river ... Easy to train ... So are collies ... Extra speed no ... Extra stamina no ... Good feet no ... Anything they can add conformation wise no ... Lots of inbreeding problems with hips etc ... A decent coat yes ... For me there is nothing they bring to the table that isn't already there .......

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Mik, nose ,retrieve ,soft mouth good feet and good coat also quite biddable.

But we've already got all of that in lines of lurchers that have been bred for generations doing the job we want them to do.


Why go back to a breed that isn't doing what we want the pups to do?

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