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Any Dog Psychologists On Here? Help...

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Back to the hot floor method mate, you might need help from ya mrs for this one ;)

Lay wire mesh (must be of a conductive material) on the floor a patio is usually best. Attach crocodile clips to it and then to the mains, for added effect you can throw a couple of buckets of water on there too.

Now throw the ball onto the mesh and stand at its edge. When the dog returns and refuses to release, give the mrs the OK and zap the cnut.

You're welcome mate ;)


Feck sake Mushroom you shouldn't be allowed to post, the numpties that visit here might think your serious lol!!

He's got a book at publishers atm.

id buy a copy! just for the comedy value lol who was it that said about tying a dead lamb to dogs collar for stock breaking origanally? im gonna have to try find the thread now lol

No you had to smack the dog over the head with the lamb then tie it to the collar.
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Back to the hot floor method mate, you might need help from ya mrs for this one ;)

Lay wire mesh (must be of a conductive material) on the floor a patio is usually best. Attach crocodile clips to it and then to the mains, for added effect you can throw a couple of buckets of water on there too.

Now throw the ball onto the mesh and stand at its edge. When the dog returns and refuses to release, give the mrs the OK and zap the cnut.

You're welcome mate ;)

Feck sake Mushroom you shouldn't be allowed to post, the numpties that visit here might think your serious lol!!

He's got a book at publishers atm.
id buy a copy! just for the comedy value lol who was it that said about tying a dead lamb to dogs collar for stock breaking origanally? im gonna have to try find the thread now lol
No you had to smack the dog over the head with the lamb then tie it to the collar.


that was it, "beat f**k out the dog with a dead lamb, then tie it to its collar for a week" lol

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I don't advocate the old "beat and tie to the collar" method... I find it doesn't really work for most dogs. I prefer the "Stanley" method.


If you want to stock break the dog to lambs say, take the dog into a pen on a lead. Everytime it looks funny at the lambs slash it's face prison style with a Stanley knife. Not too deep mind, just enough to let it know you're top dog. You could also use the "home made cattle prod" method but that's a bit advanced and should only be practised by experts and electricians ;)

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