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Tic Question

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Ok so i frontline my dog last time month ago. Tonight he jumos on my bed and i spot one on his belly. Not even sure if had been attached to him it was just in his fur. I hate touching them and laid it on bed till i got a tissue. But the fukn dog jumped up and for the life of i cant see it. Hoovered the whole fukn house changed bed and brushed the dog till he was red raw lol


will this fukn thing die or will it still be kicking around? It hadnt fed i dont think as it wasn't bloated. Might be overreaction but i hate shit like this!

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You don't usually find them until a week or so later mate. The little buggers are so small, it's amazing where they can hide on ya body! Then one day, you're scratching ya bollocks and there's a f***i

It's going to rape you.....

Ok so i frontline my dog last time month ago. Tonight he jumos on my bed and i spot one on his belly. Not even sure if had been attached to him it was just in his fur. I hate touching them and laid it on bed till i got a tissue. But the fukn dog jumped up and for the life of i cant see it. Hoovered the whole fukn house changed bed and brushed the dog till he was red raw lol


will this fukn thing die or will it still be kicking around? It hadnt fed i dont think as it wasn't bloated. Might be overreaction but i hate shit like this!

ohh and your a fanny btw lol
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If you've ripped it out it's either dead, or will be shortly.


Check the dog for any bits left in... they can get infected.

nah mate i didnt rip it out. It was just in his fur. I picked it out wasnt attached and wasn't full of blood.

i swear after i went on a mad cleaning trip i was looking everywhere with a torch.

No sign of it. Fukn raging that the dog jumping on bed made it dissapear.

Im pretty sure its not on him. Hopefully i got it with hoover though.

nasty little b*****ds those tics!

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nah mate i didnt rip it out. It was just in his fur. I picked it out wasnt attached and wasn't full of blood.

i swear after i went on a mad cleaning trip i was looking everywhere with a torch.

No sign of it. Fukn raging that the dog jumping on bed made it dissapear.

Im pretty sure its not on him. Hopefully i got it with hoover though.

nasty little b*****ds those tics!


Time for the insect repellent! If you know a mate that's a pestie, get him round PDQ with the deltamethrin!

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Yea born had shower and checked. I will need f***ing councelling if i find one on me lol

defo gonna get that bravecto. Just googled it. I always used frontline but that treatment seems better. Cant get it from animed though. Need a prescription.

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You don't usually find them until a week or so later mate. The little buggers are so small, it's amazing where they can hide on ya body! Then one day, you're scratching ya bollocks and there's a f***ing great horrible crawling black tick fast on. Let us know when you find him.



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Front line isn't a repellent, so even when you have treated the animal they will still get fleas jumping on them, but they should die once they have taken a bite of the dog if you use the stuff regular enough, just treat the environment now so it breaks the flea life cycle


Scott best flea killer is steam, get one of them dual use cleaners you can do the floors & use it as a hand held device , :thumbs:

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