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Is A Ferret Finder Needed ?

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I would always advise using one. I lost a ferret on a railway siding as a youngster ever since I've used them, touch wood have never lost another in 20 years of ferreting, the way I look at it is if your prepared to put anything to ground be it ferret or terrier Always be prepared to dig it out you owe them that much

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Every year you work a ferret, the better they get, and the more valuable they become to you. And it's the heart crushing decision to leave one behind because you couldn't find it all because you were

I always take the locator and always collar up the ferrets, not because I like to dig, but from time to time ferrets do go awal. Last time I got the locator out, and I only get it out when I have to,

I would always advise using one. I lost a ferret on a railway siding as a youngster ever since I've used them, touch wood have never lost another in 20 years of ferreting, the way I look at it is if y

I would always advise using one. I lost a ferret on a railway siding as a youngster ever since I've used them, touch wood have never lost another in 20 years of ferreting, the way I look at it is if your prepared to put anything to ground be it ferret or terrier Always be prepared to dig it out you owe them that much

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I would always advice using one as well but somebody getting there first ferret they can get out and do a bit if there careful , its going to cost a lot of money to get set up with nets locator etc and there not going to leave a ferret in a hutch if they have all the gear except a locator

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I wouldn't ferret my own land without one, let alone a farm miles from home.


Maybe it's just me but I don't see any of mine as 'just a ferret' and getting home with the same number of ferrets and 0 bunnies is more important to me that dropping a ferret for the sake of a bun y or two.

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  On 14/08/2016 at 12:04, tomburras said:

I wouldn't go without one now. Last year I had a collar stop working when i was out so I stuck to small Warrens. I kid you not I put my faveroute hob in a 3 holer and he just vanished. It took 2 weeks to get him back.


I got a mk3m and 2 collars for £105 bidding on ebay during the summer time.

How did you get him back 2 weeks later? Did you keep going back to find Him or did he make his way back to your house on his own ?

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Look at the warrener he would sell a bag of crisps if he got them for free and seems to get loads from DEBEN but works his ferrets with a elastic band with a bell on them ive never seen a collar on any of his ?.

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  On 16/08/2016 at 08:48, The one said:

Look at the warrener he would sell a bag of crisps if he got them for free and seems to get loads from DEBEN but works his ferrets with a elastic band with a bell on them ive never seen a collar on any of his ?.

Yes and his DVDs are edited lol ,

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Depends. I've done more without a locator than with one and there's no doubt they're pretty damn useful. I'd say more so if you're intent on clearing large numbers of rabbits and time is an issue. Also depends on what sort of ground you're ferreting. Round here the rabbits mostly inhabit ancient banks and hedgerows which are nigh on impossible to dig because they're full of tree and hedge roots.

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  On 20/08/2016 at 11:22, Malt said:

Depends. I've done more without a locator than with one and there's no doubt they're pretty damn useful. I'd say more so if you're intent on clearing large numbers of rabbits and time is an issue. Also depends on what sort of ground you're ferreting. Round here the rabbits mostly inhabit ancient banks and hedgerows which are nigh on impossible to dig because they're full of tree and hedge roots.

Totally agree with you malt where we can use locators but it's not always a lot of good a lot of what we do is on the South Downs and they are deep solid chalk warrens you have a job getting a purse net peg in the ground. You couldn't dig it with a jcb let alone a spade. Been doing this area for donkeys years never lost a ferret yet. But as said a locator is a must in most circumstances

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a must in my opinion even though i have 2 gills who are now 4 and never layed up ever,you take them to do you proud so the least ya can do in my opinion is look after them,as many have said not funny leaving ferrets behind

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