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"burkini" Banned In South Of France.........

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For one thing they look pathetic, the other for me it is a way of chipping away at the normal conduct for western societies.

Give the fuckers an inch and they will take a mile.

Next it will be women only sections to beeches, halal for at the local eateries, squat toilets, public prayer buildings with awful calling to prayer tooth ache noise, and so on.

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i went in a muslim strip club once, all the punters were chanting "get your face out for the lads"

If you had small numbers of Muslims in a country they would integrate no problem....the first one off the boat wouldn't come off wearing a face covering or set of to the beach in a burkini. The mill w

I agree, while it isn't much to ban the burkini (WTF burkini???) anything that shows we don't want your kind or your bull$hit gets a thumbs up from me.

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I was at Scarborough at the weekend and there was quite a few on the beach in full gear I felt really sorry for the kids you could see they were struggling with the heat in all there religious gear and the men were just openly learing at young non Muslim girls it wound me up so much we moved up to Robin Hoods bay.

Edited by kanny
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I was at Scarborough at the weekend and there was quite a few on the beach in full gear I felt really sorry for the kids you could see they were struggling with the heat in all there religious gear and the men were just openly learning at young non Muslim girls it wound me up so much we moved up to Robin Hoods bay.

My ex girlfriend had to stop using the local swimming pool in Shepherds Bush, due to the muslim men making a pest of themselves.

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I was at Scarborough at the weekend and there was quite a few on the beach in full gear I felt really sorry for the kids you could see they were struggling with the heat in all there religious gear and the men were just openly learing at young non Muslim girls it wound me up so much we moved up to Robin Hoods bay.

Good thing about Scarborough is they only come to visit

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This is fecking shameful, government deciding what folk can and can't wear? :no:


There's a legitimate argument that can be made for banning face coverings but this is just ridiculous.


Does France have a Ministry of Approved Clothing now?! :laugh:


While I agree it shouldn't be the government's call, these articles of clothing are symbols of oppression. The government deciding what can and can't be worn is just as bad as the book that sanctioned it in the first place.


How does one emancipate muslim women?

Edited by ChrisJones
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