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Taxi Drivers And English Tests ?

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As I black cab driver we have to do the knowledge basically learning all the roads and points of interest . It took me 3 years to learn 9 to 5 and 6 days a week. Then we have to be police checked and even have a medical . Now uber gets the desperate almost all are immigrants driver that can't speak a word of English surely if your gonna work in a country it would be beneficial if you speak English ?

Mind you TFL should be concentrating on the massive rise in sexual assaults commited by uber drivers rather as well !

uber Ceo being best mates with David Cameron helped . But now with Mr Kahn being mayor things are changing

Edited by marshman
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They should be told theres enough cars on the road already and sent back home

exactly they keep charging us more money because of emissions and pollution . Then they give out thousands of cab lisceances thus putting more cars on the roads
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when i went for my badge there was a dark skinned fellow there at the same time, his english was crap yet the left wing slag who works for the council was all over him, she pulled me about something that happend in a pub years ago, he got his badge right away i had to beg for mine and she told me if i ever step out of line once thats it

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I got a cab to Wimbledon Stadium a few years back. It was only 5 or 6 miles from where I lived. The first thing the driver (not English) asked was the postcode for the stadium. Strangely enough I didn't know the postcode and had to direct him every inch of the journey. How do these people get jobs like that?


Can't beat the good old English cabbies. "You'll never guess who I had in the back of the cab last night." :laugh:

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As I black cab driver we have to do the knowledge basically learning all the roads and points of interest . It took me 3 years to learn 9 to 5 and 6 days a week. Then we have to be police checked and even have a medical . Now uber gets the desperate almost all are immigrants driver that can't speak a word of English surely if your gonna work in a country it would be beneficial if you speak English ?

Mind you TFL should be concentrating on the massive rise in sexual assaults commited by uber drivers rather as well !

uber Ceo being best mates with David Cameron helped . But now with Mr Kahn being mayor things are changing

Both of my first wife's brothers did "the Knowledge" - like you, they did it in their spare time and at their own considerable expense. Suddenly any old Tom, Dick and Tariq can borrow his cousins Prius and call himself a taxi driver ! It can't be right or fair, surely ? Edited by Blackbriar
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Another problem with these Uber drivers is their police checks are only able to check from the day they bullshitted their way into Britain.

They could have been up to anything back in Somalia or Pakistan.

The bloke who killed the shop keep and was locked up yesterday was an Uber driver, as was the guy who cut the guys throat in the tube station in East London, he was known to have serious mental health issues.

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