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Fao Carl/ Airtech. What's Happening With My Regal??

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TWO emails sent and no response regarding progress on my Daystate Regal is causing me worry. I would have thought we would be somewhere close to completing the work?


The last one was sent on August 4th. It's now the 10th!


A bit of customer communications are overdue in my estimate Carl.


Kindly respond please.



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A lot of problems can be solved by talking to each other rather than about each other.

sorry guys i dont look on the site often. yes i agree my communication skills are shit i need to address these better i feel. where a lot of the problems come from are i get many messages/e mails and

FINALLY!   Had word back from Carl, my Regal will be finished today. So emailed him to sort out when convenient to come down to pick it up and pay him!     I guess there will be a wait for that

Hi Simon,


I'm not registered on AGF but, I do like to browse through it. In recent weeks there have been a couple of threads about the length of time it's taking Carl to get through rifles at the moment.


Indeed, one of the guys on there threw all of his toys out of the pram because of it.


From what I read, I understand that Carl had a bereavement in the family a little while ago and, this has caused a backlog of work.


Also, from the posts on AGF, I gather that Carl is a crap communicator but, probably THE best pcp rifle man in the business at the moment.

He gets nothing but glowing reviews and praise from those that have had work done by him.

I get the impression that he's probably OCD with his work and, will flat out refuse to return a rifle until it meets his standards.


At some point, when funds allow, I want to send my Daughters Goldstar se off to him.


I do understand your frustration and I hope you hear from him soon.

I've been looking forward to reading your review on the reworked rifle ever since you said it was going to Airtech.


Simon / Carl, apologies if I said anything that you knew already or, if this has come across as sticking my nose in. I just thought it may help to share some of the info that I've read elsewhere.



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Not at all Jon but thanks for letting me know what you know. :thumbs:


I have the feeling that he's OCD about his standards, having seen his workshop and how he obsesses over every little detail and facet of the rifle. He'll tell you what every ounce of FPE is doing to the pellet and why the Harper Valve system is not good and God knows what hundreds of things else. That's good.


But communications with his customers as to progress with an expensive rifle is a facet of business life he has to accept as a courtesy and a benchmark standard to his customers. I'm not surprised he's getting negative feedback over it. And that is spoiling his otherwise excellent reputation for his workmanship.


I'm sure the rifle will be brilliant when it's ready but, getting there is not without a little frustration.


Thanks again Jon.


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I know the frustration you have had over this gun Simon, from what you told me and I guess just as much now knowing you are closer to attaining the gun you thought you were buying in the first place but perhaps Carl is not the best on communication but from what so many people have said, it is worth the wait.

I hope you hear from him soon my friend and start to enjoy the Airtech Regal.



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  On 10/08/2016 at 03:14, pianoman said:

TWO emails sent and no response regarding progress on my Daystate Regal is causing me worry. I would have thought we would be somewhere close to completing the work?


The last one was sent on August 4th. It's now the 10th!


A bit of customer communications are overdue in my estimate Carl.


Kindly respond please.



Any news yet Simon ?

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The best way to speak to Carl I found is via Facebook chat if you add him as a friend. I had a wait on my AA S510 due to the reasons mentioned above but gosh it was definitely worth the wait as Carl worked his magic and turned a very good gun into a brilliant gun :thumbs:




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FINALLY! :icon_eek:


Had word back from Carl, my Regal will be finished today. So emailed him to sort out when convenient to come down to pick it up and pay him!



I guess there will be a wait for that response! :hmm:



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  On 14/08/2016 at 11:27, pianoman said:

FINALLY! :icon_eek:


Had word back from Carl, my Regal will be finished today. So emailed him to sort out when convenient to come down to pick it up and pay him!



I guess there will be a wait for that response! :hmm:




I'm sure you can wait another week. :whistling:

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The way things are going with work David, you might be right there! Haven't been out much at all this summer, what with the poor weather as well as the time out I can't get away with.


Still, I'll be down to pick it up by next week and we'll see what he's done with it for sure.


Missing my pal Bigmac too. I want him down here for a session on the rabbits on my perms with me, when we can sort it.


All the best.


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