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Dangerous Dogs Legislation

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Even as a bull breed owner with a few tattoos who's definitely been described as a fuckwit before I have to agree with BlackBriar, any kind of legislation isn't going to have any effect on the type of people causing problems with their dogs it will just make life harder for the law abiding responsible owners.


Honestly I'm of the belief APBTs don't belong in the hands of your average pet owner no matter how responsible they are and I'd worry if they were made legal again we'd get the fur mummy brigade deciding to "save the breed" like has happened in America and TBH they're the absolute worst possible folk to be owning this breed.

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Even as a bull breed owner with a few tattoos who's definitely been described as a fuckwit before I have to agree with BlackBriar, any kind of legislation isn't going to have any effect on the type of people causing problems with their dogs it will just make life harder for the law abiding responsible owners.

Honestly I'm of the belief APBTs don't belong in the hands of your average pet owner no matter how responsible they are and I'd worry if they were made legal again we'd get the fur mummy brigade deciding to "save the breed" like has happened in America and TBH they're the absolute worst possible folk to be owning this breed.

Thanks for putting my point much better than I managed to ! ;)

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Even as a bull breed owner with a few tattoos who's definitely been described as a fuckwit before I have to agree with BlackBriar, any kind of legislation isn't going to have any effect on the type of people causing problems with their dogs it will just make life harder for the law abiding responsible owners.

Honestly I'm of the belief APBTs don't belong in the hands of your average pet owner no matter how responsible they are and I'd worry if they were made legal again we'd get the fur mummy brigade deciding to "save the breed" like has happened in America and TBH they're the absolute worst possible folk to be owning this breed.

Thanks for putting my point much better than I managed to ! ;)




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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.

That's where a lot of people go wrong, the Breed has been bred for dogfighting for a few centuries now. You can have the best trained dog in the world but once they switch on they switch on.

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.


I agree bull terrier breeds can make great family dogs pal, staffie would probably be the first breed I'd recommend to most folk looking for a family pet/companion but APBTs are a different kettle of fish and should never have been in the hands of the general public in the first place IMO. They're a specialist breed that requires an owner that really understands them. There was no problems when they were only kept by real enthusiasts that took the right measures to ensure there was never a problem, I don't think most pet owners are up to that task and why put yourself through all that extra stress anyway when a staff will have all the same plus points as a pet as the APBT while being a lot easier to live with.

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.


I agree bull terrier breeds can make great family dogs pal, staffie would probably be the first breed I'd recommend to most folk looking for a family pet/companion but APBTs are a different kettle of fish and should never have been in the hands of the general public in the first place IMO. They're a specialist breed that requires an owner that really understands them. There was no problems when they were only kept by real enthusiasts that took the right measures to ensure there was never a problem, I don't think most pet owners are up to that task and why put yourself through all that extra stress anyway when a staff will have all the same plus points as a pet as the APBT while being a lot easier to live with.


good thread that above, :thumbs: funny thing of all bull terriers , the worst temp , i fund was the ebt regards people, ok with other dogs, but staffs and apbts were good with people but dog aggressive . i do think as above there other nice steady dogs (none) bull breeds that make good pets, plenty of mongrels /x breeds, lurchers that are in rescue centers crying out for a chance . :yes:

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My experience is based on Staffies and EBTs. No experience ot APBTs but, I appreciate the correction :thumbs:


I've seen how a friends EBT pulls his youngest child away from the front gate by the back of his trousers and, won't leave the kids sides when they're out.


Mum has a Boxer/Staffy cross. It looks like a 5 stone Staffy that stands around 24" at the shoulder. He's a beast but soft as shit.

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I can only imagine the shit storm that would follow if there was some big repeal,with all the papers having headlines like 'devil dogs legal again!'.

Mongoloids up and down the country would be buying them and they'd be getting imported and getting bred in their 1000's,it'd be a disaster.


I think Ireland has some rule where powerful breeds need to be kept on a strong lead in public and a few other restrictions,but that'd require too much common sense for the UK,we're a very low trust society these days and it's going to get worse,so anything that can be used as a weapon isn't getting legalised any time soon.

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.

Is that like a " no bad dogs just bad owners " kind of thing ?


Possibly the most absurd phrase ive ever heard !

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.

Is that like a " no bad dogs just bad owners " kind of thing ?


Possibly the most absurd phrase ive ever heard !

Kind of, yes.


If a good owner takes a dog as a puppy, trains it properly, sets it's boundaries early and, socialises it well, the vast majority of dogs will be just fine.


Also, if the right person, with the proper knowledge and experience takes a challenging breed and properly understands the dog, there should never be a situation that gives cause for concern.


Most of the problems (with a few exceptions) arise when silly people just go out and buy what ever cute puppy they want without doing any research or trying to understand if a certain breed will fit their lifestyle.

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A lot of people underestimate bull breeds this is the problem, it also isnt the owners fault In evreycase,most yes,BUT their are exceptions where the dog genuinely is a "bad" one. A SBT can be a world away from the average dog. A APBT can be a completely different world again from the SBT. I have whittnesd first hand just how aggressive both there's breeds can be. In s split second they can turn into a total different animal. I think the ban is for the best for public peace and safety to other dogs and people! They can be very unpredictable.

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I believe it is down to bad owners, not the dogs.


A dog is a pack animal, if it's shown it's place, given clear boundaries and properly trained, it'll be fine.


Bull terrier breeds can be an excellent family pet as well very effective protection for the family.

The problems occure when some chav turns it into a snarling status symbol.

Is that like a " no bad dogs just bad owners " kind of thing ?


Possibly the most absurd phrase ive ever heard !

Kind of, yes.


If a good owner takes a dog as a puppy, trains it properly, sets it's boundaries early and, socialises it well, the vast majority of dogs will be just fine.


Also, if the right person, with the proper knowledge and experience takes a challenging breed and properly understands the dog, there should never be a situation that gives cause for concern.


Most of the problems (with a few exceptions) arise when silly people just go out and buy what ever cute puppy they want without doing any research or trying to understand if a certain breed will fit their lifestyle.


Yeah sod nature man is more powerful eh ;) .....bad fish are born,bad elephants,cats,mice........even dogs........they are not immune from the rules of nature no matter how powerful man thinks he is.


A bad Chihuahua is a pain in the arse a bad Pit Bull is a dangerous weapon.

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Yeah sod nature man is more powerful eh ;) .....bad fish are born,bad elephants,cats,mice........even dogs........they are not immune from the rules of nature no matter how powerful man thinks he is.




A bad Chihuahua is a pain in the arse a bad Pit Bull is a dangerous weapon.


Most common breeds in shelters, over here, are pit bulls and chihuahuas. While nurture definitely plays a part I reckon that breeding them continually for profit is as big of, if not a bigger problem. I'd argue a chihuahua is a bigger threat to kids than pit bull a because they're not perceived as a danger, like a PB is.


Breeders churning out litters and selling pups for thousands. With the money they can make they don't give a shit if they're selling dogs with behavioral problems, and they'll breed from any stock they can get their hands on. Status symbol dogs are the cause. Pit bulls... we know why people seek them out, but thanks to glamourous A listers you now know why a dog that you can cart round in your Gucci handbag is popular with another demographic.

Edited by ChrisJones
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