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Will They Ever Close This Case.....?

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I think it's more about the fact the police tried to cover things up and the terrible way they treated the family TBH, there's plenty of racist killings that happen but they don't get the kind of coverage because the investigation then trial all happens without corrupt officers interfering...

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If that had been some white lad it would never have been dragged up again. It would have ended with no convictions. It certainly woukdnt have had the mother being made a baroness! f***ing ridiculous

They completely re engineered the criminal justice system to try and convict people that had been found not guilty........

Would you let it go if it was your lad, or brother ? ? Atb Flacko

this will not be closed for a long time, nothing to do with police corruption, incompetence or the fact that there was actually a crime committed, it will not close as too many are making a f***ing fortune out of it, no wonder the british legal aid system is skint

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Blair offered up those lads as a lamb to the spades in order to secure votes.......nothing more.

How often do a group of white lads just wander across the road and stab a spade for no apparent reason?......never! That's how f***ing often !

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I went into a church a couple of years ago and there was a massive collage of children's faces that all together made a picture of St Stephen of Lawrence.


The good thing is it's only big institutions pushing this,the general public see right through it for the most part.

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Whatever anyone thinks my comment was if some twat left your boy in street dead would you let it go ? Regardless of all the money publicity colour , well I wouldn't so that's my opinion & I stand by it. Flacko

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If that had been some white lad it would never have been dragged up again. It would have ended with no convictions.

It certainly woukdnt have had the mother being made a baroness! f***ing ridiculous.

Spot on . The money that has cost us taxpayers is unbelievable

So if it was a gang of immigrants that killed a random white guy or your family member you'd be fine with it getting swept under the carpet? Because it would cost the tax payer


It happens to white people as well but hardly gets into the news these days . The whole case was political and to make the stupid cow a baroness , well just madness

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Whatever anyone thinks my comment was if some twat left your boy in street dead would you let it go ? Regardless of all the money publicity colour , well I wouldn't so that's my opinion & I stand by it. Flacko


Absolutely!. I would hunt them till the day I died. :thumbs:


I also wouldn't be in the House of Lords and wouldn't have had this amount of resources thrown at it. It's disgusting really to be able to use the death of your child as a platform for your own ends.

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Whatever anyone thinks my comment was if some twat left your boy in street dead would you let it go ? Regardless of all the money publicity colour , well I wouldn't so that's my opinion & I stand by it. Flacko

No ones disagreeing......but the establishment wont let this one go

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i agree if it was a white lad the case would of been closed after a year

true, because that year a white kid was stabbed by a park, was chased and killed there by blacks, yet it never brought up like this crap. a law for them and it seems different law for whites . :yes:

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Didn't the double jeopardy law get changed to get the 2 lads done for murder? Hadn't they been found not guilty the first time?

They completely re engineered the criminal justice system to try and convict people that had been found not guilty........

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I read one article from some race relations org......from Lawrence being killed until 2012 there had been 96 racially motivated murders in the UK about 5 a year


Of the 96 victims only 4 native white British victims.......wonder how they decide what is racist

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