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Clumber Or Brittany Spaniel

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Seen both mate. Beating on pheasant +partridge shoots.brittany where more lively and agile.clumbers lovely steady easy going but had to be lifted into beaters wagon ect. Both great breeds.also seen a sussex spaniel which i think is a real smart dog

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I think its great too see something different out doing the job. But i suppose if they where as good as say springers they wouldn't be rare.not knocking them or people that have them i just feel they would be less useful than a cocker or springer

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Brittany is an hpr breed fast and furious and they don't miss much but you need to be training them before they are born as they are dynamite. Clumbers are slow and steady spaniels. Totally different jobs in the purest sense but with good handling the bittany can do the lot

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I've got 2 Brittanys.

They are not really spaniels as Stroller has pointed out.

They are definitely working dogs and stopping them can be the problem.

There are a few clips of them on Youtube.

Check out Rathcormack Gun Club.

They are not all as calm and easy going though.

Most are hard work to train.

Think of them as a pointer or setter that range quite far rather than spaniel that works close.

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Check out working clumber spaniel society and speak to one of the committee

They will help you take a look at them working

Have one and yes are slower than a springer but are methodical with good noses

Go and watch them work

There are getting more out in the shooting field

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