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Got The Nite Site Viper/cheers Daz

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Well picked it up to day off daz39 i still owe a little bit off it but the lad let me take it away


thats trust for you


but he is one of my close mates and me and vis show,d him the ropes but a new job has taken all his time up now so he sold all his gear


and past his perms over to me and vis but when i was at his to day i told him the perms were still his and that me and vis were just going to look after them for him


and we would pass them back when he has more time to look after them him self


and not to worry about a rifle as there is one here any time he needs one told him he could have the pick of them all if need be even my hw100s


well set about setting the ns up and im well happy with it at the moment (in day light )


just need to get out with it now in darkness


i know vm you dont like the tv nv,s but i think i may fall for this one lol


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:






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  On 06/08/2016 at 17:27, David.evans said:

They do need a filter on the monitor, that for sure

As the boys will find out , when they go


Got 5 different filters for it just need to work out which one is best


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 06/08/2016 at 17:32, toby63 said:

is there no way of turning brightness down on these type units

Kind of - the knob on top of the screen unit reduces the IR out put so, turning it down when you're close (15/20yrds) does help to reduce the glare.


It does white out and glare pretty brightly if you pan round and end up on some close grass or branches.

I wear a bit of scrim to try to help me not show up so much when it happens.

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  On 06/08/2016 at 17:53, Jonjon79 said:


  On 06/08/2016 at 17:32, toby63 said:

is there no way of turning brightness down on these type units

Kind of - the knob on top of the screen unit reduces the IR out put so, turning it down when you're close (15/20yrds) does help to reduce the glare.


It does white out and glare pretty brightly if you pan round and end up on some close grass or branches.

I wear a bit of scrim to try to help me not show up so much when it happens.


I remember when viz had his nv scope forget which one it was now but he was two fields away from me when he radio,d me(we some times carry radios ) to say he was going back to the car


and he was in the top field i say,d i know he say,d how the hell do you know where i am im using nv


i say,d look at your chest


a big fecking bright green circle was glowing out of the nv scope and showing on his chest lol


feck no wonder every thing is fecking off


so even nv scopes glow back


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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  On 06/08/2016 at 18:30, David.evans said:


Jimmy , and if it's still bright double it up ,

I Tryed green , yellow, and blue , but red was the best for me anyway

Atb mate

they all look black to me lol David


im going to have a look now


atvbjimmy :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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