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Making a longnet

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Im busy making my first longnet and have done 2 yards so far. Im just using the same principle as when making purse nets. Ive made it 15 meshes wide and have only used my 2" mesh board. I was told today that I should have used a 2 and 1/2" mesh board :doh: Im gutted :cry: Im really proud of it and dont want it to go to waste. So, my question is - should I just keep going to the 25 yards size I want or should I cast it off into a poke net? Also, where is the best place to get hemp, nylon and a selection of different board sizes and needles? Sorry for all the questions but Im just new to longnetting. Thanks in advance. :D

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I would carry on with the net you have started, 4 inch full mesh does catch and hold rabbits. the nets in this pic are 4inch mesh




as for the needles i can sort you out those no problem, pm me your needs and i will see what i can do.


as for the mesh gage PM crow he makes some beauties :thumbs:

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  mole catcher said:
I would carry on with the net you have started, 4 inch full mesh does catch and hold rabbits. the nets in this pic are 4inch mesh




as for the needles i can sort you out those no problem, pm me your needs and i will see what i can do.


as for the mesh gage PM crow he makes some beauties :thumbs:


Oh thanks so much mole catcher! :D I really thought I'd wasted my time - Im off to knit some more rows then!! :victory:

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Julia.. ive just noticed in your first post that "you were told to use a 2 1/2inch mesh gage. this is too large for rabbits as it will give you a full mesh size of 5inch. this size is better suited for hare and fox nets.



dont forget to pm me about those needles :thumbs:

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hey up julia


im also currently making my first long net been doing it for the last 2 month on and off but nearly finish now done about 70 yards! only 10 yards to go!! :yahoo: just remember to make the mesh twice as long as the net you want to make (50yrd of mesh to make 25yrd net)


have fun



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I think there's too much emphasis based on a certain size of mesh. People saying you must have 2+1/8", 2+1/16", etc are showing themselves as niave! Rabbits never come in one size so how can one size mesh be 'the best'. Obviously you wouldn't want the mesh too large so I wouldn't go over 2+1/4" board!


You'll do fine with your 2" board so stick to it, and lets see some picture when the nets finished :thumbs:

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