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Are Serial Killers Born Or Made?

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There's actually millions of people who are sociopathic, it's just that the serial killer is the most widely publicised example.

I have found both personally and in watching documentarys and reading books that many successful sportsmen and business men are also well up there on the scale, they just directed their tendencies in a different way.


Their "goal" is all that matters, the fall out and how much damage they do in the way to achieving it has no relevance to them at all.

They don't care who they hurt, how many lives they ruin......the rest of the world may as well be the shit on their shoe.


Lance Armstrong is one of the best examples, the man stared the whole planet in the face and didn't blush once !!

He did whatever he needed to do and was ready to crush anyone who stood in the way of his goal.


You see it with some of these big business types, a string of failed marriages and broken homes but as long as they can write a cheque and keep moving they don't give a shit.


It don't take a massive leap of the imagination to think that with a little bit of different wiring in the old canister they would be cutting people's heads of and driving around with them in the boot if that's what they thought they should be doing.


"Normal" people can't understand it because it's not f***ing "normal"..........buts it's a lot more normal than we would like to think I bet.

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I heard they normally start reading a lot about other serial killers......

When we were kids we found a body with a weetabix shoved up its arse police said it was the work of a cereal killer

I find it amusing now how people react to such quizzes as above. If you had given me that quiz 40 years ago l would have probably scored in the high 90's. That said, as you get older you do, through l

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I'm sure a lot of people are on the psychopathic scale, but how far up that scale you need to be to turn killer is I'm sure anyone's guess. I bet it's not as high as 100%


I used to work with a guy who was "odd". He never smiled and just got on with his work and never spoke to anyone unless it was about the job he was doing or to answer a question.


My boss got a call from a well-known newspaper to say that this man had served a long time (but obviously not long enough) for torturing and murdering a prostitute and cutting bits off her. He was obviously sacked on the spot.


We later heard he had killed another hooker from Paddington and buried her head down in Surrey. The timescale of this murder meant he had to have done it while he was working at our place.


Freaks like that don't deserve to live IMO.

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I think some of you lot need locking up! LOL.


I'd say mine is bang on. Those that know me probably reckon it's about 40% low mind. Lol


55% - Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally arent afraid to do your own dirty work! Youre no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another persons perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. Everything in moderation including moderation might sum up your approach to life.

i got the exact same lol I think it's about right
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I think some of you lot need locking up! LOL.

I'd say mine is bang on. Those that know me probably reckon it's about 40% low mind. Lol

55% - Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally arent afraid to do your own dirty work! Youre no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another persons perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. Everything in moderation including moderation might sum up your approach to life.

i got the exact same lol I think it's about right

It said the same for a 39% score

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I think some of you lot need locking up! LOL.

I'd say mine is bang on. Those that know me probably reckon it's about 40% low mind. Lol

55% - Though your conscience is in the right place you also have a pragmatic streak and generally arent afraid to do your own dirty work! Youre no shrinking violet - but no daredevil either. You generally have little trouble seeing things from another persons perspective but, at the same time, are no pushover. Everything in moderation including moderation might sum up your approach to life.

i got the exact same lol I think it's about right

It said the same for a 39% score


And for 45

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