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Ken Gould

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I was chatting to Nathan last week as he turned up at a pal of mines who's sn ex terriers who had the first black terrier I ever saw.First time I've seen him in a few years he would know about all the dogs I've mentioned as we were all part of the same crowd 25yrs ago.Apparently the dog was a decent thing for a small dog.He got killed by a dog that got in with him that turned out a load of shirt.A son of his I think Nathan said.And I meant went back to Bills stuff.

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Let's be honest lads "aye but you have to draw the line somewhere blah blah" where do you draw the line? I might draw the line a bit further down the bar than the next man and likewise the fella next

The terrier in the background was bought off Gouldy in the early eighties by a mate of mine, can't remember how she was supposed to be bred but he did'nt just sell black un's and Russell's. She actual

go on I'll tell the story as it was told to me lol . I hope I don't butcher it to bad .Anyway the bloke that told me storry goes up to Ken place with a mate of he's that was a big lump of a bloke. Tha

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We're the Russell ones cracked uo to be that good in reality ? , i know the lad i saw bought one and very nice lookers but dont know if realy came to nothing , out and out workers

The fella I got my first black terriers off also had a few Russells From ken Directly out of flint and a dog called stormer.All the ones I saw go were just 2 bit bullies that were OK if they were roughing a fox up.
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I remember the stormer dog , advertised.and thanks for your honest opinion .

Amd on top of being shit they were also twats for fighting and would bash the smallest of pups for no reason.I don't know why he bothered with them to be honest when he had some very good black terriers.Even as a young lad still at school he couldn't give me one for free.
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