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alright guys,i'm a newbie when it comes to catapults,have only been at it for about three months now was always an air rifle type off person as i was lucky enough to use one at work having permission to shot feral pigeons,but last summer my new neighbor was not happy with me shooting in my garden,its not that hes a miserable git,in away since hes been here we no longer have a rat problem as our old neighbor was always feeding the bloody seagulls,and the rats would turn up to finish what was left,now back to catapults today i finally mastered shooting gangster style its been a nightmare i just could not get it hence a broken garage window no end off dodgy fork hits and a crack window screen on my car which happened to be BEHIND me haha please tell me i'm not the only one would love to know how others got on.


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I was like that when I first started shooting ttf struggled to get a shot through the forks was always hitting them all you can do is make sure ur bands are tied on even and try from there then if ur shooting high move ur ancour point up a few MM to drop the shot and if ur shooting to low well drop it a few MM as well cheers hope it helps

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alright guys,i'm a newbie when it comes to catapults,have only been at it for about three months now was always an air rifle type off person as i was lucky enough to use one at work having permission to shot feral pigeons,but last summer my new neighbor was not happy with me shooting in my garden,its not that hes a miserable git,in away since hes been here we no longer have a rat problem as our old neighbor was always feeding the bloody seagulls,and the rats would turn up to finish what was left,now back to catapults today i finally mastered shooting gangster style its been a nightmare i just could not get it hence a broken garage window no end off dodgy fork hits and a crack window screen on my car which happened to be BEHIND me haha please tell me i'm not the only one would love to know how others got on.


I,m a bit of an old boy when it comes down to firing my catty, and have had one in my pocket for around 40years, so I don't personally get fork or hand hits as it's just second nature to me, but I do make a few cattys for mates plus I sell a few to fund my habit, I also keep a couple of loaners which I let people use if they want a try on a catty, these two cattys that I lend out are covered in fork hits and every time someone has a go for the first time they add a few more, so I don't think you are alone in that, I have also seen a few of those new ally gamekeeper John cattys that look like the owner has never got a shot through the forks without hitting them, it's all part of the learning curve, just keep practicing and more importantly enjoying what your doing, lastly don't forget a lot of theses mega shooters on utube just edit out the shit shots, which makes people new to the sport think they are not good enough, when in truth you are probably better than you think,
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