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Another Attack...london

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RIP to the poor lady who lost her life and a speedy recovery to the injured. Whatever the motives it was a cowardly attack, mental health issue or not most of these Somalians have no respect for fck a

Thats the official line these days. "Mentally disturbed" just don't mention islam in case of a backlash!   Again being treated like were fukn idiots. Every c**t knows whos to blame even my fukn du

We can't kill them. That would be wrong and might send out the wrong impression. We'll put a tag on them and everything will be ok...   Pathetic....it's about time we had a strong leader that would

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  On 04/08/2016 at 07:11, walshie said:

Anyone who knifes innocent people presumably has mental health issues. Why taser him when an mp5 would have done the job better?

We can't kill them. That would be wrong and might send out the wrong impression. We'll put a tag on them and everything will be ok...


Pathetic....it's about time we had a strong leader that would sort this coming shit-storm out.....we should be learning from these smaller incidents across Uk and Europe, we should be taking them as just a teeny weeny sample of what is to come. We should be using them to sort problems out before they grow much bigger.


When you get a dash of toothache, you got get a filling which stops the rot. Your teeth are great then, no more problems. However if you continue to ignore the toothache soon enough the tooth will be beyond saving and rot away...

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  On 04/08/2016 at 06:59, shepp said:

From the police I am hearing, 'man with mental health issues' and 'terrorism is just one line of enquiry'


Sounds like it's a muslim again.

Watch them change the subject to islamaphobia in 3...2....1
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Remember that woman who was decapitated in her garden in Lononistan? He was a convert yet they made all kind of excuses, he was mentally ill and had personal problems blah blah blah. Our media, government and MSM make me sick, they're worse that the jihadis.

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