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Chinese To Build Nuclear Bomb In South Of England

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To put your minds at ease I'm a nuclear scientist and there's nothing to worry about. The fuel used in power stations is Bolonium 980 which is so powerful one megapinch is equal to 27 bucketloadles of

Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

You physicists prattle on about gamma radiation, need I remind you what it did to lou ferrigno?

If these Chineese and French ect can build nuclear facility's and make a profit why don't Government ran tax payer funded full on British facility's not just be built and give the taxpayers cheaper energy instead of foreign firms making money out of us ?

The same on the railways with foreign nationalised companies bleeding the British commuters dry charging the earth to ride their overcrowded perpetually delayed trains :no:


If you want to see industries nationalised and run for the benefit of the British public and not foreign shareholders or governments then there's only one party to vote for... ;)

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Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

It can however irradiate, poison and kill vast swathes of life iver vast areas around it though mate ;)


Using the inverse square law, if the roof blew off that, you'd want to be roughly standing about France away !

Edited by WILF
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LOL. I know that a reactor going pop ain't good fella but that doesn't make it a nuclear bomb or justify use of the term.


The inverse square law is for radiation as you know, in the event of a reactor melting down its the radioactive isotopes being expelled into the atmosphere that causes issues. Simple gamma radiation is fairly straightforward to deal with.

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LOL. I know that a reactor going pop ain't good fella but that doesn't make it a nuclear bomb or justify use of the term.

The inverse square law is for radiation as you know, in the event of a reactor melting down its the radioactive isotopes being expelled into the atmosphere that causes issues. Simple gamma radiation is fairly straightforward to deal with.

The ingested particle is certainly more deadly pal, but you will agree that you still would want a fair bit of distance between you and a big gamma source......that will be doing massive damage (although in an ever decreasing area) to everything around it.


Basically, you wouldn't want a pin head size gamma source on the end of your cock as a wart.......so "straightforward" is all a matter of perspective !! Lol lol

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Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

if the reactor in chernobyl had fell through that concrete floor and hit the water below. Well thats exactly what it would have been. A thermo nuclear explosion they reckoned about 50times more powerfull than hiroshima. .


im not anti nuclear power,but i do think that no expense or safety checks be spared when building one.

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Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

if the reactor in chernobyl had fell through that concrete floor and hit the water below. Well thats exactly what it would have been. A thermo nuclear explosion they reckoned about 50times more powerfull than hiroshima. .


im not anti nuclear power,but i do think that no expense or safety checks be spared when building one.



The sacrifice made by the men who went in there to drain the pool is seriously awe inspiring :yes: Definition of the word hero



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Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

if the reactor in chernobyl had fell through that concrete floor and hit the water below. Well thats exactly what it would have been. A thermo nuclear explosion they reckoned about 50times more powerfull than hiroshima. .

im not anti nuclear power,but i do think that no expense or safety checks be spared when building one.

With respect mate, that claim is fear mongering bullshit. As is so common with nuclear energy. https://www.physicsforums.com


A nuclear weapons is a hell of a precise and controlled piece of engineering. You can't just add a critical mass to a bucket of water and level a city with it.

Edited by Born Hunter
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It was only the first responders who died bravely fighting the fire. While there was a lot of thyroid cancer that is aparantly one of the easier forms of cancer to be treated. The accident was a result of doing something incredibly stupid I can't see that happening in the UK ever.

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