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Chinese To Build Nuclear Bomb In South Of England

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If it'd have hit water you'd have had a steam explosion, which is bad but not a thermonuclear explosion! Any suggestion of that is really based on very ermmm 'fantastic' theory.


A nuclear weapon is very highly engineered. Yes it uses the same physics but controlling it to make it a violent explosion require very precise engineering! Comparing a nuclear meltdown to a bomb is like comparing firewood to Semtex.

So to sum up; It could have made a f***ing big bang?? :laugh:
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To put your minds at ease I'm a nuclear scientist and there's nothing to worry about. The fuel used in power stations is Bolonium 980 which is so powerful one megapinch is equal to 27 bucketloadles of

Just an FYI, a nuclear power station is not a nuclear bomb and to the best of my knowledge cannot be turned into one.

You physicists prattle on about gamma radiation, need I remind you what it did to lou ferrigno?

Born take profit away from the equation for one moment .


If the Goverment were to fund every property in the UK to have solar pannels fitted and a small Ariel sized wind turbine attatched to the gable or chimney ect ect of every domestic and commercial property ' factory ' offices ect


Could the country not be self sufficient the clean safe way ???


Work out what each property needs

You get that free


Over use and you pay for the extra


What's left goes into the national Grid


Sounds sense to me


And instead of land fill im sure most things could be recycled


Those that cannot burned to fuel power plants


Especially shitty nappies :) iv seen what one kid produces by fook hundreds of thousands must be filling this land at a staggering rate


Surely those bags of shit would burn and create energy ?


I just think a lot of the time profit is put before common sense


Which is wrong on every level.


I'd hardly call burning rubbish a clean, safe source of energy :huh:

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Max, I'm not qualified to make that judgement. It sounds reasonable on the face of it. I suspect in reality though it wouldn't cut it. Surely some greeny has done the analysis? Be interwsting to see no doubt.


Right now I'm more concerned with what to have for tea than saving the world, LOL.

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If it'd have hit water you'd have had a steam explosion, which is bad but not a thermonuclear explosion! Any suggestion of that is really based on very ermmm 'fantastic' theory.

A nuclear weapon is very highly engineered. Yes it uses the same physics but controlling it to make it a violent explosion require very precise engineering! Comparing a nuclear meltdown to a bomb is like comparing firewood to Semtex.

So to sum up; It could have made a f***ing big bang?? :laugh:

Probably, but a firecracker compared to that from a thermonuclear warhead! It's not the explosive energy that was concerning anyway, it's the radioactive matter that the explosion would throw into the atmosphere that was the concern. If we are he'll bent on calling it a bomb then it would have been a dirty bomb, not any kind of nuclear weapon.

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To put your minds at ease I'm a nuclear scientist and there's nothing to worry about. The fuel used in power stations is Bolonium 980 which is so powerful one megapinch is equal to 27 bucketloadles of uranial used in bombles. As long as you keep the crucimum levels fluctuating between 0.7 and 3.1 and the grumble flaps at 67 degrees the risk of inter medial gravitonation is minimal.

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To put your minds at ease I'm a nuclear scientist and there's nothing to worry about. The fuel used in power stations is Bolonium 980 which is so powerful one megapinch is equal to 27 bucketloadles of uranial used in bombles. As long as you keep the crucimum levels fluctuating between 0.7 and 3.1 and the grumble flaps at 67 degrees the risk of inter medial gravitonation is minimal.

Bullshit.. any proper nuclear scientist would have included the stroganoffium 1997 fractal equation in that analysis..
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To put your minds at ease I'm a nuclear scientist and there's nothing to worry about. The fuel used in power stations is Bolonium 980 which is so powerful one megapinch is equal to 27 bucketloadles of uranial used in bombles. As long as you keep the crucimum levels fluctuating between 0.7 and 3.1 and the grumble flaps at 67 degrees the risk of inter medial gravitonation is minimal.

Bullshit.. any proper nuclear scientist would have included the stroganoffium 1997 fractal equation in that analysis..


I know that's you Igor Grimolavich and as you know the stroganoffium fractal equation theorem was discredited at maastrichtoffen in 1986 so leave me alone you imbecile!

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Folk I know Born have solar pannels

They get their energy very cheap then the government buys the excess


SO if everyone had them plus a small turbine how much excess are we talking then to go into the

National grid ???


I think it's achievable but no profit for the elite


They want us to need oil and nuclear for control and profit


The better way would be next to free energy for all and the rest into the National Grid


Cheap Safe and Clean


Sadly no control and profit :(

Well fuuck me with one of Trigger's broom handles sideways :blink:


I agree with you for once ????

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And to add if you take in the theories of Dr Dre and his group of fellows the "Wu-tang clan" you obviously need a p1key to tarmac your drive before any thermonuclear device can be set off in addition to a rabbit wakking off just to be sure of full fusion taking place ;)

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With respect that is not fear mongering.

Its part of history and f***ing fact!

The Russians threw thousands of tons of sand into the exposed reactor to quell the fire. The concrete floor was cracking and underneath was a tad more than a bucket of water lol.

if the reactor had went through it would have gone critical with a nuclear explosion. Taking a good portion of ukraine with it!

i could go look and get links to show you,but cant be f****d

documentary on jewtube called surviving disaster watch it when you get half a chance mate

You're entitled to believe what you like matey. I'm saying what you have been told is complete garbage. It's a terribly liberal use of scientific theory at best and a complete lie at worst. The amount of water does not mater! You cannot make a thermonuclear bomb by dropping a critical mass into a body of water!


I'll have a quick look at the doc if I get chance. Cheers.

aye ok oppenheimer lol





just kidding bud. ?

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