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  On 29/07/2016 at 12:25, TOMO said:

Exactly runem,,there's obviously corruption from the top,,,the trouble is the bottom rung of the ladder is the poor sap that does the killing,,,above him will be a middle man giving him a weapon and amo,,,,,if the poor sap gets levelled ,,well there's plenty more where he came from...

Wouldnt it be ironic if the poachers teeth became prized for some sexual or medical reason in the asian countrys.

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The problem with poaching Africa's endangered wildlife,,,is not with the poor black fella doing the killing,,,,it's the wealthy Asian market,,,rhino horn ,,and elephant tusk ect,,,how can you blame so

I don't agree max,,,no difrent to you poaching a hare or deer here,,in fact if you think about it,,,it's worse...   You do it for sport, ,same as me,,,ok we might then eat it,,, but them poor fecker

You have to remember max that these people are years behind us in every way, they just can't nip to the chemist for the birth control or are you suggesting forced sterilisation? And if it's all about

  On 29/07/2016 at 11:50, mackem said:


  On 29/07/2016 at 11:23, TOMO said:

I don't agree max,,,no difrent to you poaching a hare or deer here,,in fact if you think about it,,,it's worse...

You do it for sport, ,same as me,,,ok we might then eat it,,, but them poor feckers are doing for money,,,because there so poor,,,,the problem lies out east,,as I've already said,,,no good shooting some poor fecker because he wants to feed himself or his family,,,,

its not just the far east that like rhino horn,look a little closer to home,yemeni dagger handles,its a fashion item.
In the 70s that was true but these days it's all about the far east, the trade in rhino horn for Jambiya handles has got so small it hasn't been a real concern for the various agencies involved in protecting rhinos for a while now. Edited by BGD
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  On 30/07/2016 at 07:05, maxhardcore said:

Tomo they should use birth control if they can't feed their bairns .

They doing it for easy fast money

Not that they can't feed their family's

There are millions of other family's getting by.


Shoot the fookers I say.

How do they feed the kids already born? Or is a animals life worth more than a child?
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  On 30/07/2016 at 07:32, johnny boy68 said:


  On 30/07/2016 at 07:05, maxhardcore said:

Tomo they should use birth control if they can't feed their bairns .

They doing it for easy fast money

Not that they can't feed their family's

There are millions of other family's getting by.


Shoot the fookers I say.

How do they feed the kids already born? Or is a animals life worth more than a child?


an african kid yes jb...... :whistling:

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  On 30/07/2016 at 09:08, maxhardcore said:

Johnny so what do you suggest once all the animals are gone ' no more ' extinct ?

Where does that leave them ?

How will they then feed their kids ?


Can't feed them

Don't be irresponsible and breed them.

You have to remember max that these people are years behind us in every way, they just can't nip to the chemist for the birth control or are you suggesting forced sterilisation? And if it's all about money like you say, what are they wanting to buy with the money? I doubt it's the latest Nike trainers or flat screen tv.

Now you're a father I'd expect you to understand that folks will do almost anything if it meant that there kid ate or not. Or would you in the same position get on your moral high horse and let your family starve because you would prefer the animal lived?

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  On 30/07/2016 at 07:40, jiggy said:

If eating tiger meat makes your willy grow bigger ill need 3 of them but it will ony put a slight dent in the population.lol

if you cant get tiger ,can you use frosties?

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Max birth control in the 3'rd world,REALLY?They want large numbers of kids,its their psychology,i have spoken to 3'rd world residents with 6-7-8 kids that are malnourished and ragged and dirty as f**k,why have so many kids?The stock answer is always the same......They will look after us in our old age,and quick-pound when your living on less than a dollar a day is a life saver,no room for morals when your up shit creek and your kids need their stomachs filling.you dont think Awwwwwww save the rhino,you just see a big lumbering creature thats going to feed your kids,clothe them,and send them to school on a brand new donkey for a year.

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Flip side of the coin a guy from the dallas safari club paid $350,000 last year to shoot a black rhino legally,but he didnt live in a mud hut nor wear flip-flops,he wanted to do it because he could,and i dont think his kids are hungry today either?

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Elephant?Theres firms offering you the chance all day long to shoot elephant for £7000 because they arent endangered.Africans dont understand the concept of birth control if they are living in squalor,its beyond their comprehension.

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Who are we to judge what others do?


I hunt with terriers, fish and shoot and all of this is purely for my own enjoyment, I won't sit here blowing smoke up your ass and say I am pest controlling ffs.

So when a man kills an elephant or a rhino wether it's for food or direct cash to feed clothe and care for his family I don't think I, or anybody else who shoots or hunts for fun has any room to criticise.


Who is worse the man who kills animals purely for fun whether that is with a dog or gun, or the man who kills animals to support his family??

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  On 31/07/2016 at 17:30, keepdiggin said:

its totally unacceptable when the animal is an endangered species

I had to agree with the lads, whilst your kids are starving to death you wouldn't give a feck whether the animal was the last in the world!


My neighbour is an old boy from the Army, built like a bulldog , great neighbour proper older time man, he was in Africa and tried to give locals medicine for their kids, he said they refused. They said whether their kids lived or died was down to the will of Allah, and also that they will have lots of kids and some will live and some will die. That is the will of God!

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