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N/v Or Lamp?

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This has probably been covered before but I'm interested in different views!

My mate is a nv kid and I'm just not into it..

My reason is I just enjoy lamping, I use to drag a wicker basket about with a 12v car battery in it when I was at school! Things have moved on but I've still get the same buzz 30 years on!

I've had a go with it but it's not for me... I know and understand that some of you lads need to clear land and that its maybe more productive! But if you didn't have too keep the landowners happy would you still use it?!

I'm not after starting a what's better it's just a thing if you get my drift!!

Why do you like what you use?!

Either or

Cheers si

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Cheers Tom

Me and my mate go different ways on a night out cos he doesn't like me fu@king about with the lamp!

But I've never done a full mag trying to hit the same rabbit! Lol

If you've still got the torch to range find!

Why the nv ?!

Not trying to be a tw@t

Cheers si

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I pan round with the lamp...

I wouldn't know where they are if I didn't but the stealth has gone as soon as a lights hit them,

That's why I stick with the lamp, I've got to get on it quick!!

That's my buzz

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I've seen the n870 in action and it's an impressive bit of kit!

Apart from the nothing knows your there do you miss anything about lamping?!

I don't use a range finder but I use the Hawke app and guestimate the distance ,I swap and change pellets for different tasks!

Superdomes in .22 for lamping as there like tracers and I can adjust for second shot if needs be...

As long as the rabbit hasn't done one!!

Cheers si

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I had one of the latest Yukon photon on my air rifle and on the .22 rimfire, it was very good for the money, I used it mainly for shooting rats from a stationary point (area baited) it was superb on the air rifle for that, but searching round a field looking for rabbits, is a pain in the arse, that is why so many carry a hand held spotter as well, to be honest,I could not bring myself to spend additional funds on a spotter, so have gone back to the lamp, I would have another perhaps a Ward D700 that can be switched from scope to scope,so I could shoot foxes using it on the .243, but I think for all round use and fun, the lamp still reigns supreme.

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My mate uses the photon and is well happy with quality for the price!

I like the idea of a spotter but it's just more expense.:. You can spend a bloody fortune if you want all the gear!!

I can fully understand wanting n/v while fox calling with a rimfire though,

I've got the number for the local firearms officer to call when I'm back home, I want to get me foot in the door with fac air with a view to foxing with l/a :)

I keep seeing them on the sheep perm and they have taken a fair few lambs... Can't do much about it with a 12lb air rifle though:(

Cheers Charlie

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If you have land passed for .22 rimfire or above, I would avoid the fac air, unless you really want one, and go straight for a .22 its not really a suitable rifle for shooting foxes regularly, but will kill them humanely with a headshot at 50 yards or so, once as you say you have a foot in the door, you can apply for a proper fox tool, a hornet either .17 or .22 or .222 .223 .22-250 etc.

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If you have land passed for .22 rimfire or above, I would avoid the fac air, unless you really want one, and go straight for a .22 its not really a suitable rifle for shooting foxes regularly, but will kill them humanely with a headshot at 50 yards or so, once as you say you have a foot in the door, you can apply for a proper fox tool, a hornet either .17 or .22 or .222 .223 .22-250 etc.


Yeah I've got two good perms that are passed and I get on well with the land owners too :)

I'm looking at getting an .22 fx impact in the next couple of weeks... Hopefully !

You can run them up to about 80flb and buy changeable barrels, they do a .25..... Could be fun!

When I'm back I'll get into the local fac officer, there's a couple of sketchy things from years back but all being well won't affect the application

If all goes well I'll be giving you a nod in the future!

Cheers Charlie

Atb si

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Don't like red vm I always use the green :)

Dosent seem to freak them out to much!

Yeah the pulsars get better n better, non of our perms warrant a spend like that though

And I need the money to get me r8 remapped :)

Atb si

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If you have land passed for .22 rimfire or above, I would avoid the fac air, unless you really want one, and go straight for a .22 its not really a suitable rifle for shooting foxes regularly, but will kill them humanely with a headshot at 50 yards or so, once as you say you have a foot in the door, you can apply for a proper fox tool, a hornet either .17 or .22 or .222 .223 .22-250 etc.

Yeah I've got two good perms that are passed and I get on well with the land owners too :)

I'm looking at getting an .22 fx impact in the next couple of weeks... Hopefully !

You can run them up to about 80flb and buy changeable barrels, they do a .25..... Could be fun!

When I'm back I'll get into the local fac officer, there's a couple of sketchy things from years back but all being well won't affect the application

If all goes well I'll be giving you a nod in the future!

Cheers Charlie

Atb si


Anytime pal :thumbs:

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