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Gutted, Bitch Snapped A Toe!

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Been road walking and the odd mooch with the bitch getting her back into shape after her pups, she come on so well and has banged on loads of muscle. Just took her out for a piss and she has a little play with the terrier like normal then as she comes back lifts her foot up. Checked her out and it's completely free to move in any direction and I can pull it out and feel where it's broken. Off to the greyhound vets it is...f**k sakes!! Gonna be f***ing annoying seeing them fields cut now lol I was proper looking forward to it too.


Any advice or tips ? It's the rear right outside toe. Should I have it off or let it heal

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My old red bitch broke 3. It was 50/50 between lads saying leave it to heal and get it taken off.


I've spoke to lads who had them off and they never ran the same again. But I do believe that if you're gonna have a toe removed then a rear outside toe would have the least impact.


I always allowed them to heal and it was much quicker than I thought. But she always had hassle with them and they would be saw after a good night on the lamp.


All the best with whatever you do mate.

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One of mine dislocated a fron outside toe this eve after literarily jumping over a 12" bush ,thought he had a thorn in his toe until he got close.... Popped back in but will need keeping an eye on.... Bloody dogs eh!!!!!!

Hope all goes well with your mutt.


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One of mine dislocated a fron outside toe this eve after literarily jumping over a 12" bush ,thought he had a thorn in his toe until he got close.... Popped back in but will need keeping an eye on.... Bloody dogs eh!!!!!!

Hope all goes well with your mutt.


Gutting, Iv only got the one adult lurcher to run and no room for anymore what with the pups. Gonna be pinching mates dogs lol

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Just took her out for a piss, the stupid cow is jumping about happy to see me trying to playfight with the other dogs lol reckon you could slip her with feet missing and shed run on stumps with a waggy tail. Gotta love that bull X attitude!

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Leave it on mate might heal correctly . if you have it off the will notice the difference . I had an old bitch that had tao broke toes on back foot and run fines for years . if I had then off I can guarentee she wouldn't of run right . just rest the bitch till you feel its headed enough atb

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Leave it on mate might heal correctly . if you have it off the will notice the difference . I had an old bitch that had tao broke toes on back foot and run fines for years . if I had then off I can guarentee she wouldn't of run right . just rest the bitch till you feel its headed enough atb

A big part of me is saying have it off get her running quick as she's not getting any younger and the season is gonna be here soon but then I feel I owe it to her to let it heal properly as she's still got a few seasons or more left in her before she's retired. I'll see what the vet says and go from there ??



At the minute I only have her, my Patterdale and a dog pup out of her. But have plenty of mates with dogs I can use as an when.

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