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pic of sons dog last week at show 8 years old that was his first show looks like Mick dog smooth coated very steady in his work but gets the job done

Here is pic of Kirstysdads old dog..   Dog was a real Legend and worked up to a ripe old age, I was lucky enough to get a lining of this dog    

Great post.... Black and Tan the Father to Kirstysdads dog and the red terrier is his brother. Both doing the job  

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My uncle used to work beddys in the rock going back a long time now tho, he used to say they was demons in the piles

My old Beddy bitch did 6 seasons in rock piles that most would walk past now,as you rightly stated earlier terriers bred with the capability to work them are thin on the ground now,i find this a sad reflection on terriers as an whole now,they are bred away from their purpose.I retired the beddy a couple of years ago and last year a red Fell that could be entered in any pile and get a result.My lad as the main terriers now and worked rocks with the old terriers for years,his younger crew he,s had a couple of near misses in rocks and is reluctant to work piles he,s worked for years.His dogs are bred directly from the Beddy and fell mentioned earlier and should get the chance to learn the art of the piles,his dogs now and his choice,yet when i get my sapling back from him next season it will not walk past an occupied pile without being loosed.More working terriers are lost in muck and sand than rocks.


how did you come to the conclusion more terriers are lost in muck than rocks has there been a survey done, and how has the terrier suffered from not being worked in rocks so much? if your dog is in deeper than 3M in muck there 99% your going to get him dug out safe and sound if dog and men are willing... if you have a dog in 3M of dense rock face with small cracks and crevices with not much chance of a stop and the dog will work till he dies with his quarry theres not much chance your going to get him back... im not saying some terriers don't kill in rocks what I am saying is until you break through to terrier and quarry you can summize all you like but that's just theories...not fact.

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Sky and bonnie bonnies the bedlingron type did her first season work just gone and did ok flushing afew from in and on the rocks the Russell my main terrier stands off and just bays after putting one in a stop end she'll only stays about half hour in earth so shes great for bolting in earths the rocks

Edited by russell tuck
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Sky and bonnie bonnies the bedlingron type did her first season work just gone and did ok flushing afew from in and on the rocks the Russell my main terrier stands off and just bays after putting one in a stop end she'll only stays about half hour in earth so shes great for bolting in earths the rocks

I like the look of the Russell, nice type. Do you think the dogs that don't stay are better suited to the rock work? I know a lad who could call his dog out and sit back, soon after the fox would bolt. Its Not my idea of terrierwork but he had plenty of fox in bad places.
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Rob I don't know mate I like a dog that stays a limited time 30 mins to a hour . That bitch is 9 years old and I can only recall having to dig to her a dozen or so time the longest being hour and 25 mins in a rock spot but she's bolted no end of foxes for me but its not to say i would want a kennell full of terriers like her but having onè is really handy . And if he's not for bolting and I can dig it il use one of my other terriers atb rt


Rat face the bedlington on couples I bred as iv got her dam they're line bred local to me ATB RT

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its amazing how many folk have the same theories/stories of the old fell hunters from books, for rockpiles that yous cant dig yous all seem to have xray vision... no disrespect but how can yous even let on yous know whats going on?

I go out equipped to tackle most stuff & out to work dogs and if its realistic no problem, but not all... If farmer or keeper walked me up to a rockpile with my terrier that looked like id never see her/him again and said that's the only hole in the area... say what you like but im heading back to vehicle terrier on lead.... and suggest a few different ways that the predator could be controlled humanely and safely.

stop end I had the sire of Russell tucks bitch if he could get to his fox he would kill it simple as the dog was 3/4 bedlington1/4 Lakeland and when he was in the ground many times over night sometimes days he would eat some of the fox plenty of pics on working bedlingtons on here mate atb
I know a few terriers that are able to dispatch a fox underground, the reason i know this is because when there dug out they are with there fox and i have witnessed it. Yous are saying your terrier does this and that in the rocks and what im saying is unless you get to your dog in the rocks yous havent a flying notion whats going on down there. Just cos a dog has a few marks after running rocks yous only assume hes killed the fox... and i have not seen 1 picture of any bedlingtons anywhere even to ground with a fox!
pop to South Wales I have loads of photos mate there's plenty of bedlingtons hybrids killing foxes below ground only the ones that bay are very close to they fox and the intention to kill it as I've said look up the working bedlingtons on here me and a good mate done part time terrier work with a registered hunt pack with bedlingtons we would only use them in small places to get to them quick otherwise it would be all over in minutes atb
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its amazing how many folk have the same theories/stories of the old fell hunters from books, for rockpiles that yous cant dig yous all seem to have xray vision... no disrespect but how can yous even let on yous know whats going on?

I go out equipped to tackle most stuff & out to work dogs and if its realistic no problem, but not all... If farmer or keeper walked me up to a rockpile with my terrier that looked like id never see her/him again and said that's the only hole in the area... say what you like but im heading back to vehicle terrier on lead.... and suggest a few different ways that the predator could be controlled humanely and safely.

stop end I had the sire of Russell tucks bitch if he could get to his fox he would kill it simple as the dog was 3/4 bedlington1/4 Lakeland and when he was in the ground many times over night sometimes days he would eat some of the fox plenty of pics on working bedlingtons on here mate atb
I know a few terriers that are able to dispatch a fox underground, the reason i know this is because when there dug out they are with there fox and i have witnessed it. Yous are saying your terrier does this and that in the rocks and what im saying is unless you get to your dog in the rocks yous havent a flying notion whats going on down there. Just cos a dog has a few marks after running rocks yous only assume hes killed the fox... and i have not seen 1 picture of any bedlingtons anywhere even to ground with a fox!
pop to South Wales I have loads of photos mate there's plenty of bedlingtons hybrids killing foxes below ground only the ones that bay are very close to they fox and the intention to kill it as I've said look up the working bedlingtons on here me and a good mate done part time terrier work with a registered hunt pack with bedlingtons we would only use them in small places to get to them quick otherwise it would be all over in minutes atb


no thanks I wont be popping over to south wales to look at photos. and what kind of small places were you doing with them to get to them quick other wise it would be over in mins? when out with hounds we regularly run in foxes at 0.4 even an 0.4 takes longer than mins realistically terrier in finds and tounges...up to fox wether he wants to evict from his safe guard if he doesent we proceed to rescue terrier and quarry an 0.4 may take 20 mins so I know all about handy ones... it takes mins for terrier to find sometimes longer then they have to bolt it or settle it... once settled I like to make sure it is a positive mark before you disrupt any soil.... even then there is no panic so say 2 men digging 1M it would take at least 40 mins to open properly no pokes a proper area where men terrier and quarry is easily accesble... then spade in and tether terrier and dispatch fox as quickly safely, and as humanely as possible....what im saying is im not knocking rock dogs 1 bit. what I am saying is in muck theres usually an end result and theories can be put aside on break through... in rocks its a bit of a guessing game not fact.

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Stopend, are you saying it would take 2 men AT LEAST 40 minutes to dig 1 metre ???????????

Surely you've worded that wrong, if not then LMAO.


I'm also a bit puzzled as to how you can tell the boys who work rocks regularly how to go about their business. Would you not be better off learning a bit about terrierwork at home first ?

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