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First Time In A Long Time

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Good morning everyone. I say good morning as it's nearing 2am.


I am out ratting as I usually do...well I say usually but I've not been out shooting for a while. But my usual shooting involves myself, my trusty ratcatcher, and rats down a chicken farm.


Having hit double figures, lay on the floor, aiming down an egg-belt, a massibe moth decides to fly right up my nose. This forced a fit of sneezing which inevitably has scared off a load of rats. So I have a minimum 20 minute wait until another rat shows it's face...so I thought I'd show my face and say Hi....Hi.


My project has passed the proof of concept round and has ended up with me buying a little Hatsan as the workhorse of the project. This has proven to be a crap purchase as tthe reload now involves many more moving parts. However...I can remote feed the view down the scope to my laptop. Tried this out with a mate. Then tested it in field. I can see on the screen, realtime, while my mate can sit at home and see the same thing with just under a half second delay! I'm tempted to do live action ratting amd give everyone with a Mac the details of how to watch....but not quite yet. Need to test a few more bits.


But anyway, out ratting tonight, at 11 so far, mostly in the same area of the belt. One bad hit, 2 dropped into the poop pit. But wjoever is picling ehgs tomorrow is going to hate me haha.

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  On 25/07/2016 at 22:04, philpot said:

oooohh I so want a rat permmmmm, jealous as hell.



If you were down this way mate, I'll let you have a pop. Only problem is you'll be stinking of chicken poo, the ammonia stench will burn out your sense of smell if you shoot there too often, and...it's bloody addictive mate.

Edited by RemyBolt
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