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You signed a petition asking the Prime Minister to "repeal the Hunting Act



The Prime Minister's Office has responded to that petition and you can view

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Prime Minister's Office


Petition information - http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/huntingactrepeal/


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The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.

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The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.

No offence but it dosent take a rocket scientist to work that out. Why would they bring in a legislation then a couple of years later repeal it? :blink: They are to stuborn to admit that it is a shite piece of law too.


The Torys are the only chance we have.

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The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.

No offence but it dosent take a rocket scientist to work that out. Why would they bring in a legislation then a couple of years later repeal it? :blink: They are to stuborn to admit that it is a shite piece of law too.


The Torys are the only chance we have.


Why do some people think that the Tories will wave a magical wand and all will be better? The only reason Labour got in last time is because the Tories were f**king the country. Same old, same old. As a famous band once said, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". The're all as bad as each other. It's not the parties that are f**king us, it's our whole system of government. I can't ever see the ban being overturned, the Tories might well promise a review of the ban to get people to vote for them, but that's all it will be, a review. They harp on about wanting whats best for the people, but they only want the power to tell you what you can, or cant do. No wonder people don't vote for any of them.

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The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.

No offence but it dosent take a rocket scientist to work that out. Why would they bring in a legislation then a couple of years later repeal it? :blink: They are to stuborn to admit that it is a shite piece of law too.


The Torys are the only chance we have.


Why do some people think that the Tories will wave a magical wand and all will be better? The only reason Labour got in last time is because the Tories were f**king the country. Same old, same old. As a famous band once said, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". The're all as bad as each other. It's not the parties that are f**king us, it's our whole system of government. I can't ever see the ban being overturned, the Tories might well promise a review of the ban to get people to vote for them, but that's all it will be, a review. They harp on about wanting whats best for the people, but they only want the power to tell you what you can, or cant do. No wonder people don't vote for any of them.

I wasnt saying it as if they get in and 24 hours later we dont have a ban........I too doubt they will lift it.


All I was saying is they are the only chance there is of it being lifted.

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The Government has no plans to repeal the Act.

No offence but it dosent take a rocket scientist to work that out. Why would they bring in a legislation then a couple of years later repeal it? :blink: They are to stuborn to admit that it is a shite piece of law too.


The Torys are the only chance we have.


Why do some people think that the Tories will wave a magical wand and all will be better? The only reason Labour got in last time is because the Tories were f**king the country. Same old, same old. As a famous band once said, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss". The're all as bad as each other. It's not the parties that are f**king us, it's our whole system of government. I can't ever see the ban being overturned, the Tories might well promise a review of the ban to get people to vote for them, but that's all it will be, a review. They harp on about wanting whats best for the people, but they only want the power to tell you what you can, or cant do. No wonder people don't vote for any of them.

I wasnt saying it as if they get in and 24 hours later we dont have a ban........I too doubt they will lift it.


All I was saying is they are the only chance there is of it being lifted.


Point taken! :thumbs: Bring back Maggie!!

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It is a shame what a nanny state the u.k. has become, it is the people who understand the very least about nature and the countryside that have allowed this to happen through their predujice and niavety, people who know nothing of the countryside and how it works should not have a say in how it is run, it is crazy. The u.k. has become a nation of PC middle class city slickers who are so wrapped up in their idea of being fair and their idea of equality for others they have lost sight of what really matters. It is just sad that it has come to this, it is no wonder the U.K. has so many problems.


If these people spent more time teaching their children the ways of the countryside and how to look after it there would not be the drug and gang problems and half of the misery brought about by the restrictions modern society is putting upon us. If we had all stayed as hunter gather's like we the human race are there wouldn't be the whole scale depression that there is now.

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