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A fact is it lol according to who you rusty. Going to need a bit more than that to convince me.

Smoking dope is for teenagers looking for a bit of fun . Not grown men and women. If it's a habit and if you can't kick it after you leave school then you lose. Plain and simple.


so a worldwide multi million dollar business is funded by kids? really? they must get a lot of pocket money of their parents then? do these parents never see these children stoned? all the money the spend they must smoking loads of it eh, how did these kids manage too bring about the changes in legislation we seeing around the world?

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once it legal which it will be sooner rather than later, :thumbs: can anyone explain how they going too apologise for lying to us all for all them years? :D cos if its as half as bad as they informed some on this thread that it is :whistling: , then surely the last thing anyone would do is legalise it :laugh::laugh: :laugh:


maybe these outraged moral people worried about their kids and society will rise up against the government when they do it, oh hang on they already rob you every day of your life, in your wage packet before you ever see it in most cases, lie to you daily , send your kids to get killed so their mates can profit, allow immigrants to come rape your kids hide peadoes etc etc etc nah youse wont do nowt about it maybe crack open another beer and whinge :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: good job us pot smokers care a little more about the world we live in and the people in it eh, ;) imagine what we could achieve if we weren't stoned loosers :icon_eek::icon_eek: :icon_eek:

So what action are you taking against peados ect? And wtf are you going on about beer for you mad pot head? No one informs me of anything I see shit from my own eyes! You talk so highly of the stuff but don't want your kids on it? Yeah that fukin sounds right lol. Your problem is you don't want to be without it but just can't admit it.

Action against peados? what have I done? I wont go into details but I will have done a hell of a lot more than you that's for certain, make no mistake of that issue ;)


I'm not trying to tell or convince you of anything at all, you asked questions like a few others did and I gave you frank and honest answers, you don't like my answers, I don't like your opinions, but I do respect them, hence answering your questions honestly. You state you see things through your own eyes ya, well so do I and like you I'm free too have an opiion, even if it doesn't marry up with yours or anyone else's on here.


I talk highly of the stuff as I know what can be done with it, if its approached in the right way, and lets face it so does the whole world including all them involved in banning it, hence it becoming legal at such an accelerated pace, how many other drugs legal ones are fetched to market that quickly, no real trials etc it just doesn't happen, but in this case it does, you explain that too me? show me where it is responsible for what you say it is? show me the evidence?


Hypocrite? ooooohhhhh Ive been called worse and yea am a hypocrite lmao, if that's the worst I can be accused of then am happy t be one, the worlds full fo them, ever voted? hypocrite? ever done anything wrong? hypocrite, we are all hypocrites in some way, banning a drug for centuries lying about the evidence of the good it can do etc all for profit for your companies etc is that not just a tad hypocritical


no I don't want any of mine smoking it I don't want them drinking smoking tabs snorting coke, heroin, hell I don't even want my daughter to have a boyfriend ever lol but if any of them ever does screw up I want them too be able to speak up about it and get help and be allowed to start over again with support, I would hate myself if they never came too me cause they where scared of upsetting my high moral ground, :thumbs:

Who called you a hypocrite? btw smack could probably be pretty good if approached in the right manner, would you be up for the to be legalised? Would stop more people taking it up wouldn't it?

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Alcohol and cigarettes kills tens of thousands of people around the world each year....im yet to hear of a single person dying because of weed

I put the stats up on this forum months ago dave,its not tens of thousands,its hundreds of thousands in the uk alone,whether direct or health problems linked to both of those drugs.
Oh ok fair enough...people on here keep comparing alcohol to weed...to me there is no comparison. Alcohol may be legal but IMO is a lot worse for you than a bit of cannabis is...and yes I am talking from personal experience and what I've witnessed in friends and family. I'd much rather be around a group of stoned people than in a pub with a bunch of pissed up people. I'm yet to hear of a Jack Daniels and coke being used to ease MS symptoms or help someone with cancer Edited by daveee88
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Smoking dope is for losers that's a fact. Anybody who continues smoking dope after high school is just a punk plain and simple.

a very well thought out and balanced argument that is mate :thumbs:

He said "fact". On THL that mean it must be true

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Wonder if the ones who totally against weed were ecstacy users? Popping pills of which they knew nothing of the origins of.sitting gouched on a chair trying to chew there way through their cheek.Got more sense out of a zombie than them. Never took one in my life or any powder. I coukd say they were scumbags and a waste ofskin, but that would be unfair of me as im sure they were ok when not out there minds on drugs. Worked the doors and saw them jumping in ta.xis going away with folk they had just met no idea of who they were or where they were going.Now a stoner would think twice then think another 3 times before doing that lol

My point you shouldnt lump every weed user with the low lifes you seem to have expierence with. Tbh the tokers i knew had very nice homes and a pride in their apperance and cared more about there pets than folk. Think thats more to do with the individual person than weed.

everything you described i was the complete opposite when i toked and i was a wake and bake guy.

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once it legal which it will be sooner rather than later, :thumbs: can anyone explain how they going too apologise for lying to us all for all them years? :D cos if its as half as bad as they informed some on this thread that it is :whistling: , then surely the last thing anyone would do is legalise it :laugh::laugh: :laugh:


maybe these outraged moral people worried about their kids and society will rise up against the government when they do it, oh hang on they already rob you every day of your life, in your wage packet before you ever see it in most cases, lie to you daily , send your kids to get killed so their mates can profit, allow immigrants to come rape your kids hide peadoes etc etc etc nah youse wont do nowt about it maybe crack open another beer and whinge :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: good job us pot smokers care a little more about the world we live in and the people in it eh, ;) imagine what we could achieve if we weren't stoned loosers :icon_eek::icon_eek: :icon_eek:

So what action are you taking against peados ect? And wtf are you going on about beer for you mad pot head? No one informs me of anything I see shit from my own eyes! You talk so highly of the stuff but don't want your kids on it? Yeah that fukin sounds right lol. Your problem is you don't want to be without it but just can't admit it.

Action against peados? what have I done? I wont go into details but I will have done a hell of a lot more than you that's for certain, make no mistake of that issue ;)


I'm not trying to tell or convince you of anything at all, you asked questions like a few others did and I gave you frank and honest answers, you don't like my answers, I don't like your opinions, but I do respect them, hence answering your questions honestly. You state you see things through your own eyes ya, well so do I and like you I'm free too have an opiion, even if it doesn't marry up with yours or anyone else's on here.


I talk highly of the stuff as I know what can be done with it, if its approached in the right way, and lets face it so does the whole world including all them involved in banning it, hence it becoming legal at such an accelerated pace, how many other drugs legal ones are fetched to market that quickly, no real trials etc it just doesn't happen, but in this case it does, you explain that too me? show me where it is responsible for what you say it is? show me the evidence?


Hypocrite? ooooohhhhh Ive been called worse and yea am a hypocrite lmao, if that's the worst I can be accused of then am happy t be one, the worlds full fo them, ever voted? hypocrite? ever done anything wrong? hypocrite, we are all hypocrites in some way, banning a drug for centuries lying about the evidence of the good it can do etc all for profit for your companies etc is that not just a tad hypocritical


no I don't want any of mine smoking it I don't want them drinking smoking tabs snorting coke, heroin, hell I don't even want my daughter to have a boyfriend ever lol but if any of them ever does screw up I want them too be able to speak up about it and get help and be allowed to start over again with support, I would hate myself if they never came too me cause they where scared of upsetting my high moral ground, :thumbs:

Who called you a hypocrite? btw smack could probably be pretty good if approached in the right manner, would you be up for the to be legalised? Would stop more people taking it up wouldn't it?


hypocrite is what you where getting at , or that's how I read it mate.


smack for your information is already legal they use it in hospitals on battlefields, ambulances carry it, opioids are used daily in hospitals and prescribed for own use. It is however not legal too have it or any form of it without a prescription then its called heroin , so it has a lawful and useful use, but as ith most things people can abuse it, same could be said of glue could it not? can you ban glue? the heroin epidemic up in Scotland years ago wasn't smack from abroad it was stolen out of pill companies supplies lol


most drugs we invent or find start out with a positive use then become abused, that is fact,


as I stated above somewhere in the thread they already running trials all over the country where they give free heroin and monitor them and help with reduction etc, they are proven to work with the real hardcore addicts and will likely roll out very soon nationwide, pissing in the wind and standing on high moral ground has proved has lost the ar on drugs


people always associate drugs with misery and deprivation, its the blame it elsewhere culture we live in, if your kids seek drugs and the company of dealers and addicts then you need to question the parenting skills, we shape and form them, guide and advice them, the governments have a lot too answer for they get shite educations, theres no money or hope of a future, its not a perfect world and it never ha been no such thing and wont be whilst we happy to blame any failing on everything but ourselves or our kids themsleves

Edited by arcticgun
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Smoking dope is for losers that's a fact. Anybody who continues smoking dope after high school is just a punk plain and simple.

a very well thought out and balanced argument that is mate :thumbs:

He said "fact". On THL that mean it must be true


no likes left but that a good un lol

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Wonder if the ones who totally against weed were ecstacy users? Popping pills of which they knew nothing of the origins of.sitting gouched on a chair trying to chew there way through their cheek.Got more sense out of a zombie than them. Never took one in my life or any powder. I coukd say they were scumbags and a waste ofskin, but that would be unfair of me as im sure they were ok when not out there minds on drugs. Worked the doors and saw them jumping in ta.xis going away with folk they had just met no idea of who they were or where they were going.Now a stoner would think twice then think another 3 times before doing that lol

My point you shouldnt lump every weed user with the low lifes you seem to have expierence with. Tbh the tokers i knew had very nice homes and a pride in their apperance and cared more about there pets than folk. Think thats more to do with the individual person than weed.

everything you described i was the complete opposite when i toked and i was a wake and bake guy.

No not a pill popper either something else I've never tried. Did do a lot of clubbing when younger and all the mates would take them, again I was to scared but they all looked like they were having a great time

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once it legal which it will be sooner rather than later, :thumbs: can anyone explain how they going too apologise for lying to us all for all them years? :D cos if its as half as bad as they informed some on this thread that it is :whistling: , then surely the last thing anyone would do is legalise it :laugh::laugh: :laugh:


maybe these outraged moral people worried about their kids and society will rise up against the government when they do it, oh hang on they already rob you every day of your life, in your wage packet before you ever see it in most cases, lie to you daily , send your kids to get killed so their mates can profit, allow immigrants to come rape your kids hide peadoes etc etc etc nah youse wont do nowt about it maybe crack open another beer and whinge :icon_redface::icon_redface::icon_redface: good job us pot smokers care a little more about the world we live in and the people in it eh, ;) imagine what we could achieve if we weren't stoned loosers :icon_eek::icon_eek: :icon_eek:


So what action are you taking against peados ect? And wtf are you going on about beer for you mad pot head? No one informs me of anything I see shit from my own eyes! You talk so highly of the stuff but don't want your kids on it? Yeah that fukin sounds right lol. Your problem is you don't want to be without it but just can't admit it.

Action against peados? what have I done? I wont go into details but I will have done a hell of a lot more than you that's for certain, make no mistake of that issue ;)


I'm not trying to tell or convince you of anything at all, you asked questions like a few others did and I gave you frank and honest answers, you don't like my answers, I don't like your opinions, but I do respect them, hence answering your questions honestly. You state you see things through your own eyes ya, well so do I and like you I'm free too have an opiion, even if it doesn't marry up with yours or anyone else's on here.


I talk highly of the stuff as I know what can be done with it, if its approached in the right way, and lets face it so does the whole world including all them involved in banning it, hence it becoming legal at such an accelerated pace, how many other drugs legal ones are fetched to market that quickly, no real trials etc it just doesn't happen, but in this case it does, you explain that too me? show me where it is responsible for what you say it is? show me the evidence?


Hypocrite? ooooohhhhh Ive been called worse and yea am a hypocrite lmao, if that's the worst I can be accused of then am happy t be one, the worlds full fo them, ever voted? hypocrite? ever done anything wrong? hypocrite, we are all hypocrites in some way, banning a drug for centuries lying about the evidence of the good it can do etc all for profit for your companies etc is that not just a tad hypocritical


no I don't want any of mine smoking it I don't want them drinking smoking tabs snorting coke, heroin, hell I don't even want my daughter to have a boyfriend ever lol but if any of them ever does screw up I want them too be able to speak up about it and get help and be allowed to start over again with support, I would hate myself if they never came too me cause they where scared of upsetting my high moral ground, :thumbs:

Who called you a hypocrite? btw smack could probably be pretty good if approached in the right manner, would you be up for the to be legalised? Would stop more people taking it up wouldn't it?

hypocrite is what you where getting at , or that's how I read it mate.


smack for your information is already legal they use it in hospitals on battlefields, ambulances carry it, opioids are used daily in hospitals and prescribed for own use. It is however not legal too have it or any form of it without a prescription then its called heroin , so it has a lawful and useful use, but as ith most things people can abuse it, same could be said of glue could it not? can you ban glue? the heroin epidemic up in Scotland years ago wasn't smack from abroad it was stolen out of pill companies supplies lol


most drugs we invent or find start out with a positive use then become abused, that is fact,


as I stated above somewhere in the thread they already running trials all over the country where they give free heroin and monitor them and help with reduction etc, they are proven to work with the real hardcore addicts and will likely roll out very soon nationwide, pissing in the wind and standing on high moral ground has proved has lost the ar on drugs


people always associate drugs with misery and deprivation, its the blame it elsewhere culture we live in, if your kids seek drugs and the company of dealers and addicts then you need to question the parenting skills, we shape and form them, guide and advice them, the governments have a lot too answer for they get shite educations, theres no money or hope of a future, its not a perfect world and it never ha been no such thing and wont be whilst we happy to blame any failing on everything but ourselves or our kids themsleves

I'd rather not get into the details I've done it all before but I use cannabis so I don't have to take artificial opiates to releave the symptoms of my condition :thumbs:
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A fact is it lol according to who you rusty. Going to need a bit more than that to convince me.

Smoking dope is for teenagers looking for a bit of fun . Not grown men and women. If it's a habit and if you can't kick it after you leave school then you lose. Plain and simple.
For many it's not a habit, like alcohol...
Unlike alcohol grass is illegal. That's not even an argument . That's like comparing it to cakes which aren't illegal but can be dangerous to the human body.
So assuming an adult smoking a joint is a loser is a greater argument? Haha....Clarify loser in your terms?
Everybody I know (my own brother included) who smokes dope are no users. That's what I've based my opinion on.
Ok fine, but thats not my experience, if it was, I'd be totally honest about. All my friends I grew up with smoked it & none of us are losers as far as I can tell, far from it........all different backgrounds, nothing privileged, just ordinary working class lads that done ok.

All my friends grew up smoking it. Most got jobs, a house , getting married and starting a family. They don't waste time or money on dope. The people I know who have kept smoking it are work shy, don't own their house constamtly behimd on rent spend money on dope when there's more important things ( for example on had grass but no dog food) and tbh are starting to look like tinks. That's my personal experience

That's fair enough, if that's what you've seen. I've been lucky with my social circle I suppose. I'm not suggesting I know a bunch of habitual smokers that just happened to of done well, far from it.

There is however, a world of difference between a habitual smoker that has allowed it to compromise their life & some one who can freely enjoy it on a social level, but crack on with anything else they want. To not recognise that seems a little naive to me.

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