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I'm not really sure how I would like to see the law work regarding all drugs. I do know our current approach just does not work.

One thing I have no experience of are these so called 'legal highs', which now seem to be legislated against, these things seem to be causing a lot of damage now in community's. So I'm not sure about the argument for legalising certain hard drugs, as these were once technically legal?

Perhaps if we had handled our conventional drugs policy better, ie Cocaine, ecstasy, heroin etc, we may not have such a big problem with these 'legal highs' now, is there a link? Has our current drugs policy actually made things worse?

Edited by Accip74
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Who then thinks there should be a full legalisation of all drugs then?........I mean it's a bit hard to argue for one and against the other as has been pointed out in the alcohol scenario.

id say yeah legalise them all-but maybe have a register of users-so they are not allowed do jobs more complicated than screwing the caps on toothpaste..ive probably taken everything in my life(bar crack and meth)-wouldnt say it did me an awful lot of harm but didnt do me any favours really..used work in a factory-broke the record for the job i did 4 times(whilst very stoned)-ended up more than double the previous record.theres doctors prescribing a lot worse than cannabis i.e xanax,seroquel etc.
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I'm not really sure how I would like to see the law work regarding all drugs. I do know our current approach just does not work.

One thing I have no experience of are these so called 'legal highs', which now seem to be legislated against, these things seem to be causing a lot of damage now in community's. So I'm not sure about the argument for legalising certain hard drugs, as these were once technically legal?

Perhaps if we had handled our conventional drugs policy better, ie Cocaine, ecstasy, heroin etc, we may not have such a big problem with these 'legal highs' now, is there a link? Has our current drugs policy actually made things worse?

like coming up on an e but you never get there-its horse wormer i believe.(someone gave me some once)-i dont think id even give them to a horse with worms.(legal highs) Edited by tinytiger
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Ban coffee aswell while were on this moral crusade. Its a stimulate taken for pleasure and a boost. Also pretty aaddictive. Nah imo weed gets a very bad rap from people who need to maybe look at there own "harmless acceptable" vices.

no offense meant to anyone btw :)

No mate, you are quite correct we are all f***ing hypocrites to a greater or lesser extent......I smoke fags, wouldn't want my kids to do it and realise it as much a burden as a benefit when it comes to health care/revenue.

Do I think there should be a "new" legal vice?........no mate, society is in a degrading enough place already I dont see any point in giving it even more of a helping hand.


Enough is enough I reckon

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I would argue that you cant drop one boundary and not expect someone to come up with a good case to drop the one after that.

It's what happens........

There are plenty of high functioning junkies could make the case for it..........

Not for me I'm afraid, I think they should all be gassed

I don't want to look down on junkies, I just don't see any reason for them to exist.

Child abuse

Shit parents

Alcoholic parents

There's a few reason junkies exist

There's lots more

Nobody has to be a victim of their circumstances, that is just not a viable excuse

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Sorry wilf but unless you've been there you can't comment

Genetics also play their part

Following our discussion on homosexuality it's very clear you feel able to dictate what people should and shouldn't be able to do in private

Give up smoking chap and we'll have a chat about it ???

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Sorry wilf but unless you've been there you can't comment

Genetics also play their part

Following our discussion on homosexuality it's very clear you feel able to dictate what people should and shouldn't be able to do in private

Give up smoking chap and we'll have a chat about it

Dictate, no......have an opinion, yes


And beleive me when I say, NOBODY has to be a victim of their circumstances.......that dog just does not run ;)

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Weed is also a very sociable pastime and in some cultures as common as sticking the kettle on.


maybe just aswell i dont have kids i would not be popular with other parents lol

I would have no issues with my kids having there mates around playing there game consols and watching a movie and having a toke. Might have an issue with them eating all the biscuits though lol


I would rather have them do that than be wandering around god knows where under tge influence of cheap alcohol.However in this day thats looked on as the norm and "we all did it".

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Sorry wilf but unless you've been there you can't comment

Genetics also play their part

Following our discussion on homosexuality it's very clear you feel able to dictate what people should and shouldn't be able to do in private

Give up smoking chap and we'll have a chat about it

Dictate, no......have an opinion, yes


And beleive me when I say, NOBODY has to be a victim of their circumstances.......that dog just does not run ;)

im afraid it does

It's been proven

I've seen it lots of times with my own eyes

Your moaning about addicts while being one yourself

I agree completely your an entitled to an opinion

I'd just prefer it if you had an educated one

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I would argue that you cant drop one boundary and not expect someone to come up with a good case to drop the one after that.

It's what happens........


There are plenty of high functioning junkies could make the case for it..........


Not for me I'm afraid, I think they should all be gassed


I don't want to look down on junkies, I just don't see any reason for them to exist.

Child abuse

Shit parents

Alcoholic parents

There's a few reason junkies exist

There's lots more


Governments lying too us all


worry of out kids being sent to fight for oil money


global warming


Recession meaning reduced incomes


Us being made to pay for all their mistakes even though they neer share any profits with us



Ban coffee aswell while were on this moral crusade. Its a stimulate taken for pleasure and a boost. Also pretty aaddictive. Nah imo weed gets a very bad rap from people who need to maybe look at there own "harmless acceptable" vices.

no offense meant to anyone btw :)

No mate, you are quite correct we are all f***ing hypocrites to a greater or lesser extent......I smoke fags, wouldn't want my kids to do it and realise it as much a burden as a benefit when it comes to health care/revenue.

Do I think there should be a "new" legal vice?........no mate, society is in a degrading enough place already I dont see any point in giving it even more of a helping hand.


Enough is enough I reckon



society is a truly degrading place and look just who is in charge (the so called moral majority) and has made all the rules and choices for us, and yet we still live in misery living by their rules and regulations, lol please don't think for one minute any of these things are unlawful for health reasons, if that was the case cigs and drink would be well banned too, no its down too controlling markets such as oil gas fossil fuels, cotton, synthetics, plastics, pharmaceuticals, removing any competition especially something that's free and cheap grows anywhere, that would lead too massive losses in companies that the real rulering class own, better to keep making drugs that try and fail to replicate cannabis , allowing people too suffer untold misery along with their loved ones,

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Sorry wilf but unless you've been there you can't comment

Genetics also play their part

Following our discussion on homosexuality it's very clear you feel able to dictate what people should and shouldn't be able to do in private

Give up smoking chap and we'll have a chat about it

Dictate, no......have an opinion, yes

And beleive me when I say, NOBODY has to be a victim of their circumstances.......that dog just does not run ;)

im afraid it does

It's been proven

I've seen it lots of times with my own eyes

Your moaning about addicts while being one yourself

I agree completely your an entitled to an opinion

I'd just prefer it if you had an educated one

Educated in what way?........like a degree in social work from some 2 bob uni ?

And what's been proven?.......that if someone had a traumatic experience as a kid that they have every right to pipe up and mug old ladies?........give over mate.

Your not the only bloke in the world to have seen a few things.


f***ing excuses, the worlds full of them.........same as me with my fags, there's no excuse for it, it's just f***ing stupid but I certainly didn't start smoking because I'd had some rough experiences.......I started cause all my mates did it and it's what you did and I was a f***ing idiot.

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There's a huge difference between being an addict and mugging old ladies

In practice very few addicts do that

By education I mean not being ignorant on a subject so unless you were abused as a child I don't think you have a right to say being abused will not cause people to seek escape in some form

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There's a huge difference between being an addict and mugging old ladies

In practice very few addicts do that

By education I mean not being ignorant on a subject so unless you were abused as a child I don't think you have a right to say being abused will not cause people to seek escape in some form

It also seem that lots of people who abuse suffered some kind of abuse themselves as a kid, do they get a free pass too ?

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Who said anything about a free pass

Are you now accepting what I say

Why do you always assume that I approve of things that I don't

i would stop locking up people who are guilty of nothing more than being an addict and treat them

Free up jail space and save money and stop them reoffending

What's not to like

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as I said earlier Wilf personal accountability is to blame for most the crap in society, kid mugs an old lady who too blame, is it the parents, is it the state, is it the drugs, is it society, people simply use the blurred lines to excuse poor behaviour and standards at all levels , but then again look above us where the elite stand do they behave? they steal deal take drugs drink kill steal commit incest and pedoapilia, but hey that's different cos its them and not us, the whole its not my fault scenario was there invention , we just cottoned on and allowed it,


truth is whilst we still ruled by scum and told what we can and cant do like little kids soon as we mess up we act like little kids and blame all an sundry too save out arse,

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