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After failing to cure my mum's arthritis with a chocolate brownie I obtained some THC liquid stuff....maybe it was oil. I did the pest control in a laboratory where they made CBD but they also did all


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  On 21/07/2016 at 10:10, bird said:


  On 21/07/2016 at 07:50, BGD said:



  On 21/07/2016 at 07:30, kanny said:

I've lost two good friends to drink but never to weed and in all my time I've only known one lad have problems and he was nuts to start with.

Honestly my only real concern is kids taking it up, there's kids barely in their teens up and down the country puffing away all day every day and God knows what sort of effect it's having on their developing brains :no:


Obviously any health concerns over cannabis pale into insignificance when compared to alcohol though and it's only real chronic use which is a concern whereas alcohol can always be dangerous if you're not careful...

forget the brain mate, its the lungs they need to worry about deff. i used to do cigs, and the odd joint but in main cigs, i ve stopped 25 years now, but have had few prob in the past getting my breath if say walking fast up hill etc, went to the doctors few months back , and had tests with tubes to test my lung capacity . it showed they were down a bit, doctor said i had scarred my lungs rom my 15 years a smoker . well bloody hell ive stopped 25 years but the damage as been done, anything you inhale in your lungs apart from fresh air, a big no no , take it from me :yes:

A couple of space cakes with a cuppa wont do your lungs no harm bird. You will be able to walk up the hills as normal. It will be remembering the way that would be the problem ha

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  On 21/07/2016 at 12:58, kanny said:


  On 21/07/2016 at 12:35, Silversnake said:

That cystinuria does not sound like fun at all. If weed helps, puff away brother. If I had some chronic issue and pot helped I would grow some real nice organic bud and I would smoke at my leisure. I heard that England allowed medicinal use for marijuana, have those laws changed? Or was I misinformed? I am on my phone and can't see locations so if you aren't in England forgive my ignorance.

For the best part I manage to keep the condition under control with a combination of diet drugs and water loads and loads of water but when it does play up its fecking painful ask anyone who's had a kidney stone. If I don't look after myself I can have a stone every day but it is what it is and I guess it's just my cross to bare I don't let it define me and just get on with things. There's no way I could hold a job down if it wasn't for ganja... I'm in the UK and it's illegal here but as long as you keep to personal amounts your not going to get in to much trouble.

Had a mate who suffered with them kanny. His face used to be the colour of boiled sh#te when he was in agony. Hard holding a job down for him because of it.

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  On 21/07/2016 at 13:19, flipbull said:


  On 21/07/2016 at 10:10, bird said:


  On 21/07/2016 at 07:50, BGD said:



  On 21/07/2016 at 07:30, kanny said:

I've lost two good friends to drink but never to weed and in all my time I've only known one lad have problems and he was nuts to start with.

Honestly my only real concern is kids taking it up, there's kids barely in their teens up and down the country puffing away all day every day and God knows what sort of effect it's having on their developing brains :no:


Obviously any health concerns over cannabis pale into insignificance when compared to alcohol though and it's only real chronic use which is a concern whereas alcohol can always be dangerous if you're not careful...

forget the brain mate, its the lungs they need to worry about deff. i used to do cigs, and the odd joint but in main cigs, i ve stopped 25 years now, but have had few prob in the past getting my breath if say walking fast up hill etc, went to the doctors few months back , and had tests with tubes to test my lung capacity . it showed they were down a bit, doctor said i had scarred my lungs rom my 15 years a smoker . well bloody hell ive stopped 25 years but the damage as been done, anything you inhale in your lungs apart from fresh air, a big no no , take it from me :yes:
A couple of space cakes with a cuppa wont do your lungs no harm bird. You will be able to walk up the hills as normal. It will be remembering the way that would be the problem ha
Come on Bird eat a couple of cookies and tell us how your night out with Buck and Bryn goes.
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  On 20/07/2016 at 23:20, tillylamp said:

i think the long term effects are.....it does your brain in, i have had lots of friends who use to smoke it on a regular basis, some of them, would have one the minute they woke up.....where as some just smoked it as a evening thing.....when i saw them over the years, and had a chat with them, some, seemed to have this vacant look, like, the lights are on, but no ones home look....with a pause between answers, plus the ones that smoked them like a normal fags.......got bad tempered, grumpy, when they didn't have any,

also another one was paranoid with everything....and another one was paranoid with just some things,

i think....for medical purposes there are some great qualities in the stuff, for certain conditions, which have been proven.....but the ones on it all the time, will probably be missing a few brain cells in there later years, but it's up to them really.

I habe the exact same observations. Weed turned alot of my childhood friends into proper dopey drop outs...


That said, the effects of alcohol abuse aren't pretty either.

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  On 21/07/2016 at 16:13, treecreeper said:

Sure alcohol kills more people than all the other drugs put together tuffty. And as far as I'm aware nobody ever died from a whitey or a monster munch overdose.

Well there you go then.

Its only the government that says its bad.

As for the idle layabouts, well there just idle layabouts.

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  On 21/07/2016 at 15:48, Hydropotesinermis said:


  On 20/07/2016 at 23:20, tillylamp said:

i think the long term effects are.....it does your brain in, i have had lots of friends who use to smoke it on a regular basis, some of them, would have one the minute they woke up.....where as some just smoked it as a evening thing.....when i saw them over the years, and had a chat with them, some, seemed to have this vacant look, like, the lights are on, but no ones home look....with a pause between answers, plus the ones that smoked them like a normal fags.......got bad tempered, grumpy, when they didn't have any,

also another one was paranoid with everything....and another one was paranoid with just some things,

i think....for medical purposes there are some great qualities in the stuff, for certain conditions, which have been proven.....but the ones on it all the time, will probably be missing a few brain cells in there later years, but it's up to them really.

I habe the exact same observations. Weed turned alot of my childhood friends into proper dopey drop outs...


That said, the effects of alcohol abuse aren't pretty either.


yeah....there was a definite pattern between the ones that had been smoking it for a long while, the ones that smoked it daily.....they seemed a bit slow on the up take, also, different levels of paranoia, vague looks, argumentative, blood shot eyes, slower in general, and bad mood swings, it was hard to know what mood they would be in some days, like i say, it's up to them really,

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