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3 hours ago, mackem said:

Cali never arrives in the UK as boxes Dan, it's not sold down there in boxes, it's pounds, that's how it always gets to the UK, but Thai always arrives and is sold as a box. That is the price for Albanian. 

From what the Lads have said,it's  been coming here 5/10 kg a time, vacuum packed in 1/2 pound bags,couple of promotional t-shirts/ baseball caps in with it,they pay you £500 for signing for it....then opened up and sold as a box Mack...folks around here won't pay more than £100 an Oz for it, because in truth,it's f***ing pond weed,that's why it's sent here to start,no one wants it out there,so got f**k all to loose by sending it over here,have they👍

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On 24/09/2024 at 13:31, mackem said:

Cali imports are increasing,Albanians are moaning it's affecting their business as the price of boxes of ammo and dog have dropped.As soon as a load of Cali drops it's sold.Its never been more in demand,a friend went to Brumsterdam a month or so ago,it was all Cali,there's even loads of Thai-Cali being sold,Thai trying to associate with Cali.Its the new greenrush.

The Thai cali stuff is prevalent round here at moment, the albos getting there grows taxed left right and centre we English lads  have bin for a while 

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On 24/09/2024 at 15:17, Daniel cain said:

it's  been coming here 5/10 kg a time, vacuum packed in 1/2 pound bags,couple of promotional t-shirts/ baseball caps in with it,they pay you £500 for signing for it

Often if the other team find that amount they just confiscate and do nowt about it,I once watched a controlled delivery on a much larger lot.£10k to sign for it.

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On 25/09/2024 at 12:40, BobDown said:

The Thai cali stuff is prevalent round here at moment, the albos getting there grows taxed left right and centre we English lads  have bin for a while 

Thai is flooding in.Yup know of a few Albos who have been robbed,and an equal number of brits,times are hard Bob.

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2 hours ago, mackem said:

Thai is flooding in.Yup know of a few Albos who have been robbed,and an equal number of brits,times are hard Bob.

Do you think that taxing would stop if they ever legalised it in this country mate. I remember an old stoner not far from me who was a peaceful sort and wouldn't harm a fly who had his crop robbed by a gang of bully's from the same area that gave him a bit of a beating aswell as robbing his small crop. 

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4 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Do you think that taxing would stop if they ever legalised it in this country mate. 

No mate,even this side of the pond where it's totally legal it's common,I met a bloke last year in LA who had been shot and survived during a home invasion for his hard earned gains.

Just before I left UK I chatted to a bloke who had been taxed and a friend of mine had three blokes smash into his house earlier this year.The worst taxers are the government and POCA.


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6 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Do you think that taxing would stop if they ever legalised it in this country mate. I remember an old stoner not far from me who was a peaceful sort and wouldn't harm a fly who had his crop robbed by a gang of bully's from the same area that gave him a bit of a beating aswell as robbing his small crop. 

Happens every where... easier to rob someone,than take the risk of finding and setting something up🙄

Few gangs doing it  have come unstuck... Theres always someone bigger and badder👍

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15 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Happens every where... easier to rob someone,than take the risk of finding and setting something up🙄

Few gangs doing it  have come unstuck... Theres always someone bigger and badder👍

Got to be some untrustworthy fekers in that game to give information on robbing a crop when it's near time for cropping i would have thought. It reminds me of that case a few years back when some Pakistanis defending their crop one ended up fatally killing his own brother with a crossbow. 

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12 hours ago, mackem said:

Thai is flooding in.Yup know of a few Albos who have been robbed,and an equal number of brits,times are hard Bob.

It seems every one is fair game, just albos are an easy target round here, funnily enough they use the pulsar thermals for scoping them out 

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2 hours ago, tatsblisters said:

Got to be some untrustworthy fekers in that game to give information on robbing a crop when it's near time for cropping i would have thought. It reminds me of that case a few years back when some Pakistanis defending their crop one ended up fatally killing his own brother with a crossbow. 

Loose lips...will sink ships...there's no loyalty in the drugs game...you can keep a tight circle and be onto a good thing...but there will always be someone who's greed gets the better of them...just human nature I suppose  tats👍

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3 hours ago, BobDown said:

It seems every one is fair game, just albos are an easy target round here, funnily enough they use the pulsar thermals for scoping them out 

Used to be trackers,now it's thermal and tracker.


2 hours ago, Daniel cain said:

Loose lips...will sink ships...there's no loyalty in the drugs game...you can keep a tight circle and be onto a good thing.

Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead,old Colombian saying.There is loyalty,but it's rare.The less links in the chain the stronger it's bond.

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14 hours ago, Greyman said:

Got a few sweets at the moment to give a go, will report back later lol



hate to break it to ya grey man lol but there’s no thc  in them only jwh 018 overwise known as spice same as the thc pens all spice 

if you or a pal ain’t made it or grown it give it a miss 

why most stoners now look like junkies 


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On 10/10/2024 at 05:04, mC HULL said:

hate to break it to ya grey man lol but there’s no thc  in them only jwh 018 overwise known as spice same as the thc pens all spice 

if you or a pal ain’t made it or grown it give it a miss 

why most stoners now look like junkies 


Just been into a new dispensary to see about something,UK made stuff your right but the regulated western market is different,UK market is like the wild west no control over anything,over here you can follow a plant,yes an individual barcode tagged plant,from seed (germination) to weed (dried flower),in two days time it's been legal here for 6 years,seen a lot of changes.




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