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Moonrocks anyone

What does a moon rock do that a plain bud doesn't? :hmm: once you hit the ceiling you ain't going any further. ...out of interest how much are moon rocks?
They fair bit stronger than your average bud pal, think it's down too the way they extract the oils etc coupled with the stronger strains they working with nowadays, it's like the jump up from soap too skunk then skunk too bubble hash, these extracts are a lot stronger think it unlocks more of the drugs potential, I've only smoked shatter rolled out n crumbled into normal spliff and it was a lot stronger , I'm told it's stronger when you dab it, tastes amazing as well, seen it ranging from black to clear as golden honey, I mind reading years ago that people had not touched even half what this plant had too offer, the changes I've seen in the time I've used it is unreal more do considering it been against the law, too be fair even taken aside legality its a major business anyhow, hydro gear, seeds companies, websites advertising revenue, clothing brands, head shops etc etc, Im suprised the government's dragging it's heels so much, a financial windfall would be just the ticket about now ,
I've smoked shatter ,oil , bubble and edibles like butter ect you name it and yes they are strong but my point is once your stoned and hit the ceiling your not going any further ...once your Cannabinoid receptors are full that's it doesn't matter how strong it is and a strong bud is normally enough to do the job :thumbs:
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What I will say is what I've said above only counts if your a everyday sort of person if your the occasional or never type then yes these concentrates are going to wipe you out and your probably in for bad time...so what's the point? Lol

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Money-those in the know are all ready smoking the best. Waste perfectly good green to make a few grams of oil etc? Be something else soon to catch folk lol. Atb dc

Exactly ...concentrates were always a by-product not Thee product

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You soon get sick of smoking iceolator and shatter etc-even scissor hash lol-folks looking to make more coin because their crops are shite lol-thats why they never grow the same strain twice - f***ing buzz chasers and dream sellers - they then go into selling flake or breeding French bulldogs all the sniff dealers down my way are failed growers pmsl. To many clowns around these days that no cnut would of sorted out few yes back... Money comes first these days... It's a dirty game full of dirty players. Atb dc

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You soon get sick of smoking iceolator and shatter etc-even scissor hash lol-folks looking to make more coin because their crops are shite lol-thats why they never grow the same strain twice - f***ing buzz chasers and dream sellers - they then go into selling flake or breeding French bulldogs all the sniff dealers down my way are failed growers pmsl. To many clowns around these days that no cnut would of sorted out few yes back... Money comes first these days... It's a dirty game full of dirty players. Atb dc

The thing with concentrates is yes you get a heavy stone but its a very one dimensional stone that lacks somthing that you get from smoking pure good weed that has many levels to it imo... and you usually feel like crap the next day lol ....I'm not knocking it ..it has its place but like you say its all about the dollar now :thumbs:

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When I used to smoke I loved the 'couch lock' strains lol- always had a soft spot for charis, and a good pollen, problem today is the youth never started off smoking solid then progress to herb-straight in at the deep end no wonder why they all walking around with their heads f****d beating on the girlfriends and smashing up parents house because they can't have their own way... Add some cocaine and alcohol and you got a load of wankers looking to explode at the first chance. Never had a problem with what others get up to but these days it's a f***ing joke, can't have a quiet drink without some fool stood around constantly sniffing and back and fore the bogs-every cnut thinks he's a bad man gangster lol-these days folk will sell to any one because it's about the coin. Back in the day it was about who had the best and no new faces... These days it's look at me... Undercutting and ripping folk off no matter what the product is.. Sooner it's legal the better imo-pop a few wankers bubbles over night... Then they might have to work for a living ;). Atb dc

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The green rush.

That's exactly what its called,the old Klondike days the people who were almost guaranteed to make the most money were the guys who supplied the picks,the shovels,and guys like Jacob davis (levi strauss,started off as hardwearing miners and farmers clothing),that's why I used to be into NFT (Popular back then,not now)and tents when they first came out,the game is changing,i was sat in a hydro store a couple of weeks back,a friends place,i was drinking a tea chatting to him and flicking through his product catalogue,couple of polish guys came in,then another,lot of eastern-European players nowadays.The first thing I normally clock (pardon the pun)about someone is their watch,a guy came in wearing gloves(it was boiling hot outside so he was obviously security conscious and not doing whatever he was doing on his own premises),I noticed he had a decent submariner on,he ordered in low tones spent just over a grand peeled it off a decent wad and loaded his purchases into a very nice german 4x4,lot of people turning pro,most flounder as they get into it without a clue and get disheartened,they quit after a crop or two,but yes,green-rush is apt.

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Looks like they tried to scrog it but it didn't quite work out...still a sight to behold :thumbs:


No mate,they aint scrogged,the nets are to hold the branch weights up,look at the tension poles,they haven't bent any of those stems,a lot of guys now put a perimeter of square mesh wire round each plant so the plants and branches have stability,otherwise the first bit of bad weather the branches will snap.

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