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After failing to cure my mum's arthritis with a chocolate brownie I obtained some THC liquid stuff....maybe it was oil. I did the pest control in a laboratory where they made CBD but they also did all


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Nice them moonrocks had some gelato ones couple months back imported real nice clean tasty strong stuff, yanks taken it too a whole new level, since the shift towards legalisation, can't come too us soon enough, massive market for the yank strains now and the shatter n wax extracts n edibles, be good for the economy as seen in other countries win win situation also frees up the plods for more important stuff, change is deffo in the air

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It's bold but New Jersey senator, Cory Booker, has introduced a bill called the Marijuana Justice Act.

It's in response to what is a failed war on drugs that criminalizes a disproportionate number of minorities, and it would also withhold federal funding from states, for correctional facilities, if they can be demonstrated as unfair. Under the proposed law dope convictions would be expunged and people serving sentences for marijuana related offences would be allowed a review of sentencing.

It's never going to make it through a republican house and senate but it shows that attitudes are changing quite radically, especially as the last US election saw millennials and gen X'rs turn out in a majority for the first time.

Edited by ChrisJones
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Moonrocks anyone

What does a moon rock do that a plain bud doesn't? :hmm: once you hit the ceiling you ain't going any further. ...out of interest how much are moon rocks?
They fair bit stronger than your average bud pal, think it's down too the way they extract the oils etc coupled with the stronger strains they working with nowadays, it's like the jump up from soap too skunk then skunk too bubble hash, these extracts are a lot stronger think it unlocks more of the drugs potential, I've only smoked shatter rolled out n crumbled into normal spliff and it was a lot stronger , I'm told it's stronger when you dab it, tastes amazing as well, seen it ranging from black to clear as golden honey, I mind reading years ago that people had not touched even half what this plant had too offer, the changes I've seen in the time I've used it is unreal more do considering it been against the law, too be fair even taken aside legality its a major business anyhow, hydro gear, seeds companies, websites advertising revenue, clothing brands, head shops etc etc, Im suprised the government's dragging it's heels so much, a financial windfall would be just the ticket about now , Edited by arcticgun
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Moonrocks anyone

Heres the recipe,Tesco don't sell these ingredients :icon_eek:

id like to dip my moon rocks in her kief :)







I mind reading years ago that people had not touched even half what this plant had too offer, the changes I've seen in the time I've used it is unreal more do considering it been against the law, too be fair even taken aside legality its a major business anyhow, hydro gear, seeds companies, websites advertising revenue, clothing brands, head shops etc etc, Im suprised the government's dragging it's heels so much, a financial windfall would be just the ticket about now ,


uk government isn't far sighted enough at the moment,too many old school politicians smoking their cigars and swigging their whisky and cognac while implementing archaic laws.

I read a report last week of a young girl in California,in her first year selling edibles,her first year :blink: she has turned over 1.2 million USD :victory: that's a kid in her early 20's,who would have thought hash brownies would have such earning potential :thumbs:

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It's made its fair share of millionaires sateside, for a long time I doubted it would be legal in my life time but once the yanks picked up on it it's a given now, shame so many have had too suffer from so long, another pointless waste of time effort n public money all based on a pack of lies mad innit

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