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After failing to cure my mum's arthritis with a chocolate brownie I obtained some THC liquid stuff....maybe it was oil. I did the pest control in a laboratory where they made CBD but they also did all


Uk wedding ? 

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All this talk of old timers and no-one's mentioned Manali or the Kulu valley. Apart from the temple balls no-ones mentioned the himalayas at all!

I watched them make cream in manali mate,you can still rent fields in the area and hand rub your own charas,when i was there it was israelis and italians who were big into it,rubbing it and taking it to goa to sell,saw quite a bit of twist in kashmir once.

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i can completly, understand where people are in pain..need this weed.....BUT i have seen First hand how it goes from weed to pills, to e,s to ketimin to solvents fet - ( anthetamins) to coke to herion.......just ask the local junky how he first got started on drugs, ( MAYBE IM WRONG IN THIS DAY AN AGE) BUT JUST ASK ANY OF THEM ! im not sire we should say weed is..............they,l always want somthing stronger to show off ! maybe iv got the wrong end of the stick, appoligees if i have. but 1 drug starts to another ! :yes:

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i can completly, understand where people are in pain..need this weed.....BUT i have seen First hand how it goes from weed to pills, to e,s to ketimin to solvents fet - ( anthetamins) to coke to herion.......just ask the local junky how he first got started on drugs, ( MAYBE IM WRONG IN THIS DAY AN AGE) BUT JUST ASK ANY OF THEM ! im not sire we should say weed is..............they,l always want somthing stronger to show off ! maybe iv got the wrong end of the stick, appoligees if i have. but 1 drug starts to another ! :yes:

I guarantee you that local junky tried alcohol before they tried weed so what's the real gateway drug? :hmm:


Should we ban alcohol too? Or just let adults decide what they put into their bodies and leave them in peace?

Edited by BGD
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i can completly, understand where people are in pain..need this weed.....BUT i have seen First hand how it goes from weed to pills, to e,s to ketimin to solvents fet - ( anthetamins) to coke to herion.......just ask the local junky how he first got started on drugs, ( MAYBE IM WRONG IN THIS DAY AN AGE) BUT JUST ASK ANY OF THEM ! im not sire we should say weed is..............they,l always want somthing stronger to show off ! maybe iv got the wrong end of the stick, appoligees if i have. but 1 drug starts to another ! :yes:

It's all about choice mate, it's up to individual if they want to be smack head, I could replace weed with alcohol in your post, just as easy.


I'm smoking fifteen years, an don't bother about anything else, well now an again some guiness that's it. Atb

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i can completly, understand where people are in pain..need this weed.....BUT i have seen First hand how it goes from weed to pills, to e,s to ketimin to solvents fet - ( anthetamins) to coke to herion.......just ask the local junky how he first got started on drugs, ( MAYBE IM WRONG IN THIS DAY AN AGE) BUT JUST ASK ANY OF THEM ! im not sire we should say weed is..............they,l always want somthing stronger to show off ! maybe iv got the wrong end of the stick, appoligees if i have. but 1 drug starts to another ! :yes:

and if there was no weed, the junkie would have started on pills :thumbs:

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