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After failing to cure my mum's arthritis with a chocolate brownie I obtained some THC liquid stuff....maybe it was oil. I did the pest control in a laboratory where they made CBD but they also did all


Uk wedding ? 

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Pascha how could I forget them Used too sell nirvana seeds used them many times for start ups back in the day, so easy now with Internet even getting a book on growing was expensive back then they got it made nowadays no excuse for poverty really unless you got daft morals

Do you remember weed world magazine lol used too love reading that back then

Do i remember weed world?I was in it several times..........
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Don't see any good quality solids no more, apart from pollen which gives me headaches.

When I was in my teens Lebanese was a good smoke also crem de Morocc.

And well worthy at the top ...Temple ball..

Black , hand rolled with a brownish inner.

I would imagine all the troubles in the Middle East has ended their popularity.

Red leb and blond leb,normally from the bekka valley regions,i remember opening a tennis ball sized lump of temple ball when i was doing the annapurna the ball was pliable in the hand and the mustard coloured resin inside had the most unique boquet,it was going for a fortune in dutch coffee shops at the time,i met a guy earlier this year in a naughty boys club in pattaya who once went to mustang in nepal to watch a batch being made for shipping somewhere.
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Jesus I miss red Leb, spent some great times smoking it when I was in Lebanon bought direct from the farms, sadly hash from Lebanon and Morocco just isn't the same anymore since the native landraces have been contaminated with Dutch genetics.

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Some people like the shit though BGD. My bro father in law only smokes the harshest solid and another mate loves a bong of stalk

Aye I know a few old boys that will only smoke dirty solid, they'll look at you like you're trying to poison them if you hand them a bit of bud :laugh:

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Pascha how could I forget them Used too sell nirvana seeds used them many times for start ups back in the day, so easy now with Internet even getting a book on growing was expensive back then they got it made nowadays no excuse for poverty really unless you got daft morals

Do you remember weed world magazine lol used too love reading that back then

Do i remember weed world?I was in it several times..........

Think I still got a box with loads of copies in up in loft

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Some people like the shit though BGD. My bro father in law only smokes the harshest solid and another mate loves a bong of stalk

Aye I know a few old boys that will only smoke dirty solid, they'll look at you like you're trying to poison them if you hand them a bit of bud :laugh:
using a lighter to crumble it and flicking random bits on the floor because f**k knows what that was
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Some people like the shit though BGD. My bro father in law only smokes the harshest solid and another mate loves a bong of stalk

Aye I know a few old boys that will only smoke dirty solid, they'll look at you like you're trying to poison them if you hand them a bit of bud :laugh:
using a lighter to crumble it and flicking random bits on the floor because f**k knows what that was

My pal swears he actually found a big piece of a Sainsburys bag in the middle of his 8th once :laugh: dirty dirty stuff hate to think what smoking that did to our lungs

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I remember a load of wheelie bins going missing round our area and the rumour was they'd been melted down to add to soapbar, doesn't seem too far fetched! :laugh:

is poverty bar still going around? I would have thought no c**t in there right mind still buy that.!


pig streroids,tar and full of plastic. Used to give me a whore of a sore head!

i smoked a power of it many years ago. I often think wonder what damage it done to my body. Prob find out in a few year lol

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I remember a load of wheelie bins going missing round our area and the rumour was they'd been melted down to add to soapbar, doesn't seem too far fetched! :laugh:

is poverty bar still going around? I would have thought no c**t in there right mind still buy that.!


pig streroids,tar and full of plastic. Used to give me a whore of a sore head!

i smoked a power of it many years ago. I often think wonder what damage it done to my body. Prob find out in a few year lol

I think it's mostly just really low grade Moroccan with a load of plant matter mixed in these days rather than the old school soapbar with God knows what mixed through it! Not exactly something I seek out though, dare say you could find some if you looked around enough.

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