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Trump For President?

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Could go either way I reckon, polls still have them neck and neck.   Honestly I don't think Hillary is even a better option than Trump, both bad in their own unique ways neither would get my vote i

He's an expert in stealing the limelight. A highly intelligent man with an IQ of 156 a successful businessman and someone who understands what it's going to take to fix the USA. He is a richer more in

But he didn't do that did he. Clinton's illegal email server was already hacked by a Romanian hacker called Gucifer. What he did say was that he thought the Russians already have the 30k missing email

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  On 01/08/2016 at 07:20, J Darcy said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:33, VOON said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:25, J Darcy said:

Trump didn't get where he is today by being daft... he knows what he's doing....


Does he Fook.....with all that money, would you do that job? I rest my case....Clown

Numpty trumpty sat on wall

Numpty trumpty had a big fall

All the Russian soldiers couldn't put trumpty together again

We will see then won't we......I hope he wins.....

He will win, if he can keep his big mouth shut. It would be a bit ironic though, if the great orator, lost because he derided a Muslim woman for not being allowed to speak.....

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  On 02/08/2016 at 07:08, VOON said:


  On 01/08/2016 at 07:20, J Darcy said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:33, VOON said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:25, J Darcy said:

Trump didn't get where he is today by being daft... he knows what he's doing....


Does he Fook.....with all that money, would you do that job? I rest my case....Clown

Numpty trumpty sat on wall

Numpty trumpty had a big fall

All the Russian soldiers couldn't put trumpty together again

We will see then won't we......I hope he wins.....
He will win, if he can keep his big mouth shut. It would be a bit ironic though, if the great orator, lost because he derided a Muslim woman for not being allowed to speak.....

I personally think it's his big mouth that won him so much popularity. Again I think this is deliberate or partly at least. He's been a celebrity for long enough to know how to play popularity games and he decimated the other republicans in the debates. I did like Rand Paul but then he showed support for sending troops to Syria, I lost respect for him after that turn around. I'm sick of our military being wasted deposing leaders of countries for someone else's financial gains, mainly corporations.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 07:25, Nik_B said:


  On 02/08/2016 at 07:08, VOON said:


  On 01/08/2016 at 07:20, J Darcy said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:33, VOON said:


  On 31/07/2016 at 21:25, J Darcy said:

Trump didn't get where he is today by being daft... he knows what he's doing....

Does he Fook.....with all that money, would you do that job? I rest my case....Clown

Numpty trumpty sat on wall

Numpty trumpty had a big fall

All the Russian soldiers couldn't put trumpty together again

We will see then won't we......I hope he wins.....
He will win, if he can keep his big mouth shut. It would be a bit ironic though, if the great orator, lost because he derided a Muslim woman for not being allowed to speak.....

I personally think it's his big mouth that won him so much popularity. Again I think this is deliberate or partly at least. He's been a celebrity for long enough to know how to play popularity games and he decimated the other republicans in the debates. I did like Rand Paul but then he showed support for sending troops to Syria, I lost respect for him after that turn around. I'm sick of our military being wasted deposing leaders of countries for someone else's financial gains, mainly corporations.

I can agree with the sentiment of your last sentence, and while trumps musings will garner some support among white blue collar voters in the U.S. It will lose him the middle ground, his utterances on the Ukraine and Putin over the weekend were a little crass and I'm afraid that he will dig holes for himself as president, putting himself in diplomatic wars were he can't retreat from and entrenched position. As leader of the free world he will have ameliorate his views. You can't offend everyone.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 18:06, BGD said:

How can a man who doesn't respect the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families be Commander in Chief of the armed forces? :no:




This new outburst has put him on very shaky grounds with the independent voters. Especially as he represents the party that sent them to war in the first place.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 18:06, BGD said:

How can a man who doesn't respect the sacrifices made by soldiers and their families be Commander in Chief of the armed forces? :no:



Here we go again. He didn't attack the lad who was killed, he didn't say they should be deported he has made a very sensible suggestion to stop immigration from Muslim countries until this thing is sorted out. If anything the family (who have connections to saudi!!!) Are being used for political gains.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 19:08, neil cooney said:

I think he knows he's in trouble. Saying that he reckons the election will be rigged is his excuse for loosing, if he looses that is.

He's well ahead of Clinton. You cNt trust the polls anymore just like Breit or the last GE

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  On 02/08/2016 at 19:09, Nik_B said:


  On 02/08/2016 at 19:08, neil cooney said:

I think he knows he's in trouble. Saying that he reckons the election will be rigged is his excuse for loosing, if he looses that is.

He's well ahead of Clinton. You cNt trust the polls anymore just like Breit or the last GE

If you can't trust polls how can you know he's well ahead though? What evidence are you basing it on?


Personally I'd say it's still very much in the air and it'd be impossible to make a prediction this early on, the campaigns haven't even started up properly yet.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 19:33, BGD said:


  On 02/08/2016 at 19:09, Nik_B said:


  On 02/08/2016 at 19:08, neil cooney said:

I think he knows he's in trouble. Saying that he reckons the election will be rigged is his excuse for loosing, if he looses that is.

He's well ahead of Clinton. You cNt trust the polls anymore just like Breit or the last GE
If you can't trust polls how can you know he's well ahead though? What evidence are you basing it on?


Personally I'd say it's still very much in the air and it'd be impossible to make a prediction this early on, the campaigns haven't even started up properly yet.

It's my gut feeling and simply gauged by feel so its not scientific but like the referendum you just get a feeling of the public mood. At the moment Trump is cool and Hillary isn't...so many cool youtube follow Trump yeh the dry boring ones are with hillary. There are some amazing personalities like Milo Yianopolis who are taking the Internet by storm, when Democrat protesters turned up they were in the minority. I think the polsters aren't polling correctly just like with the referendum and I believe this is probably deliberate and it was with the refendum and the GE.
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Fair enough, like I said it's so early on anyone making predictions are only doing it on gut instinct really. Definitely going to be an interesting few months of campaigning either way...

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  On 02/08/2016 at 19:51, BGD said:

Fair enough, like I said it's so early on anyone making predictions are only doing it on gut instinct really. Definitely going to be an interesting few months of campaigning either way...

Oh yeh there no doubt this is going to be a crazy few months.

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  On 02/08/2016 at 19:46, Nik_B said:
It's my gut feeling and simply gauged by feel so its not scientific but like the referendum you just get a feeling of the public mood. At the moment Trump is cool and Hillary isn't...so many cool youtube follow Trump yeh the dry boring ones are with hillary. There are some amazing personalities like Milo Yianopolis who are taking the Internet by storm, when Democrat protesters turned up they were in the minority. I think the polsters aren't polling correctly just like with the referendum and I believe this is probably deliberate and it was with the refendum and the GE.


Not having a pop, Nik, but how do you gauge the public mood living in Stockport? I'm living in a staunchly republican state, surrounded by republican supporters and paid up party members. I have yet to meet one that likes the guy. My boss at work is an evangelical christian, and he's voting libertarian at the election, despite being a paid up RP member. He thinks DT doesn't reflect the core values of the republican movement. Mitt Romney, former runner in the last election, says he won't endorse him and the church he belongs to will probably follow suit based on DT's comments towards immigrants.


Personally I don't think opinion polls are worth a shit. The people that make them actively court bias confirmation. Like running a poll, on this forum about repealing the hunting ban, or deporting foreigners. The only poll worth a carrot is the election itself and it's a while away just yet.


One thing that Trump has nailed is vote rigging. Now I sincerely believe that casting your vote is a civic duty, if you don't vote you don't have an opinion, but the other side of that coin is that if voting changed anything they would probably make it illegal. Whoever wins they sure as shit aren't going to concern themselves with our opinions until they're up for re-election.

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