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On a TX, how difficult is fitting the kits because I am not the best at this sort of thing and I would like to smooth out my .177, do they come with instructions.



Phil I am like you not very good at the tuning but I fitted a tinbum kit into a tx I used to have no problem

really is quite easy if you watch the utube video on it.

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didnt you know? stickers make it go faster   it sort of goes with the super reg that improooooves performance, 20 xtra shots, ermmmm then it gets chrono'd at 9 fp's lol!!

I've found Tinbum kits to be good and priced well.

I think vortek do some too.   A kit with a bespoke spring guide and tophat to the spring you are fitting is loads better than just buying a spring guide and tophat that are supposed to fit IME.

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On a TX, how difficult is fitting the kits because I am not the best at this sort of thing and I would like to smooth out my .177, do they come with instructions.



Phil I am like you not very good at the tuning but I fitted a tinbum kit into a tx I used to have no problem

really is quite easy if you watch the utube video on it.

What improvements has the tinbum kit made to your TX and what cal is it.


I go round and round in my mind regarding my gun, should I try to make it a smoother action, less sharp on recoil or is it just me. I have not picked it up for a few weeks, I think I need to spend some time with it again or get rid and forget springers.



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It was a .22 tx 200 sold it a couple of years ago from what I can remember fitting the tinbum nylon guide just made it less twangy, if you have not opened it up maybe you might be better giving the spring a degrease and some fresh moly. I only sold it because I found it very hold sensitive but a lot less hassle than a pcp.

Edited by collieman
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They can be a challenge and often test patience, specially when swaping from PCP to spring or even say a heavy springer to a light one, a tune can transform how it shoots and often be a huge improvement and help as I'm sure your all aware.

but once masterd the enjoyment and satisfaction gained from a perfect shot placement clean kill on vermin, at any range, is in beatable. Ide open her up get give it a once over,get some testing done and take it from there. The .177 will always be snappy even when tuned, just more enjoyable and useable

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I respect the thoughts of the lads opening their guns up but me, :icon_redface: , I`d end up with a more nuts and bolts than when I started :laugh: .

So I sent my TX 200 hc mk3 off to Phil Crampton at Rat Works and had the full tune and short stroke done.

I find the gun`s firing cycle much smoother, a tad better accuracy wise and I love the short stroke.

I find that off shooting sticks and shooting from a hide the heavy TX is one lethal springer with accuracy to match any pcp.


The greatest change is confidence when your rifle is right :yes: - I`m now extremely confident with the T Rex.






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I think it's a bit pants that a British air rifle maker have to short stroke there rifles to improve the firing cycle. They should be the ones making spring rifles spot on for the uk market. Until that time the Germans will still dominate the uk springer market IMO.


Many a German springer gets tuned, improved also.

The TX has a Walther Lothar barrel and a Minneli stock.

Must agree though, the Germans are mighty fine engineers

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  • 3 weeks later...

The hw95 is standard no spring guide tophat or synthetic bearings were as the tx would be more a tuned rifle out the box

It'll be a lot smoother less recoil


Is there really much you can do to a tx or prosport apart from short stroke tuning wise I haven't really had much to do with air arms tx i didn't really like how it shouldered the prosport looks the part but like been said underlever feels crap but what I can see there tuned from factory prosport been a copy of a venom mach 2

And the cd trigger been a copy of the mach trigger which is really a copy tweak of the rekord so should really be two quality guns


With the hw biggest difference would be snuggly fitting spring guard and tophat from delrin make a world of difference atb

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The hw95 is standard no spring guide tophat or synthetic bearings were as the tx would be more a tuned rifle out the box

It'll be a lot smoother less recoil


Is there really much you can do to a tx or prosport apart from short stroke tuning wise I haven't really had much to do with air arms tx i didn't really like how it shouldered the prosport looks the part but like been said underlever feels crap but what I can see there tuned from factory prosport been a copy of a venom mach 2

And the cd trigger been a copy of the mach trigger which is really a copy tweak of the rekord so should really be two quality guns


With the hw biggest difference would be snuggly fitting spring guard and tophat from delrin make a world of difference atb

Are you thinking of buying and tuning a rifle for yourself?

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I have a few rifles mate mainly weihrauch

I'm not a big lover of air arms although they are

Smooth to shoot they come out the box tuned really so I was wondering are the drop in kits any use as they come with tophat spring guides even synthetic bearings so really what can be improved apart from short stroke if you like that but really your trying to tune a tuned gun atb

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I've found that tuning is very subjective - the way we like to feel a rifle fire and the results we get from it are personal.


My .22 TX doesn't have any original internals. I've managed to achieve a quick shot time and a dull thud, producing 11ftlb. The recoil is still there but, I've got it just the way I like it.


I've recently bought a .177 HW97. I haven't opened it up yet but, I will do.

At the moment it fires very quick and snappy at 11.7ftlb. It's very accurate and, I quite like it. I'll try to calm the shot cycle a little.


Like I've said before - Springers are are just a tube, a spring and a piston - open it up and experiment.

Yes it can be frustrating but, you'll be so pleased when you finally figure it out and get it perfect. Also, you'll get to know your rifle inside out.


Good luck and atb

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I've found that tuning is very subjective - the way we like to feel a rifle fire and the results we get from it are personal.

My .22 TX doesn't have any original internals. I've managed to achieve a quick shot time and a dull thud, producing 11ftlb. The recoil is still there but, I've got it just the way I like it.

I've recently bought a .177 HW97. I haven't opened it up yet but, I will do.

At the moment it fires very quick and snappy at 11.7ftlb. It's very accurate and, I quite like it. I'll try to calm the shot cycle a little.

Like I've said before - Springers are are just a tube, a spring and a piston - open it up and experiment.

Yes it can be frustrating but, you'll be so pleased when you finally figure it out and get it perfect. Also, you'll get to know your rifle inside out.

Good luck and atb

I agree jonjon once you have spring guide tophat

Then it's type of spring size of tophat pre load ect you like not one fits all

I have a 97k got it in synthetic stock but not for me so put it in mk2 stock defo needs some work

Compared to my 77k it's harsh but I've no doubt

Short stroke right spring ,guide tophat it'll transform into a dream with very little recoil

You no when your there you'll be able to watch the pellet strike

In a hw the drop in kits would be a transformation

Buy what air arms I've shot tx pp they felt tuned as is tx basically hw77 25mm tuned


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