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Eden Tv Program

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They don't relise how easy they have got it every thing layed on for them I've had to survive with no food water no tools,only yesterday I was locked out of my house for two hours could of starved to

thing is working folk are to busy working .to live the dream

I get so pissed off with all these programs, which are a real missed chance for real people to show that they can survive without all the shit we carry around with us today, so rather than moan and sa

Are you passing back up through these parts?? Or close by?


Edited to add;


I'm off next week mate and I'm on a biz trip the week after, then I'm off again until the 12th Sept ;)

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I guess the objective of this kind of entertainment is to take half dozen anti townies and turn them into predatory carnivores ... if it's like other programmes of this ilk they won't show any real hunting they never do

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That keeper should get off his backside, and check out what's available, is there no pigeons or Rabbits? Like what's been said, can't understand why they were not issued with gill nets, he seems to be waiting on deer being in season why doesn't he do some fishing they have caught one seatrout so they are there.

They appear to spend too much time in camp.

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That keeper should get off his backside, and check out what's available, is there no pigeons or Rabbits? Like what's been said, can't understand why they were not issued with gill nets, he seems to be waiting on deer being in season why doesn't he do some fishing they have caught one seatrout so they are there.

They appear to spend too much time in camp.

He said he wants the camp to run out of food to starve the weaklings into giving up,but the real reason is he is throwing his toys out of the pram because that girl isnt interested in him,so he is doing some man love bonding with a couple of the two-faced guy types,its off till the autumn.
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That keeper should get off his backside, and check out what's available, is there no pigeons or Rabbits? Like what's been said, can't understand why they were not issued with gill nets, he seems to be waiting on deer being in season why doesn't he do some fishing they have caught one seatrout so they are there.

They appear to spend too much time in camp.

He said he wants the camp to run out of food to starve the weaklings into giving up,but the real reason is he is throwing his toys out of the pram because that girl isnt interested in him,so he is doing some man love bonding with a couple of the two-faced guy types,its off till the autumn.
I think that fat bearded twat would be better off being shaved and slow roast on a spit, you would stop all the moaning and everyone would be in a good mood because there belly,s full, he is the hunter and has hunted nothing, he is a fatty and has consumed lots, simples eat him
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He is an IT consultant and gamekeeper ...I've never heard of a gamekeeper IT consultant before ...... They should take his gun off him now he has gone all depressed because some trout knocked him back ... Fukcing mardy twat ......

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He is an IT consultant and gamekeeper ...I've never heard of a gamekeeper IT consultant before ...... They should take his gun off him now he has gone all depressed because some trout knocked him back ... Fukcing mardy twat ......

I had the same thought, knocked back gamekeeper goes mental with gun on island, at least part two would be interesting
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