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Cheers for the good comments the red one is fast. The little black and tan has the most done and is more than able .Hoping for big things from the red and white dog this season their just gone 2 years old .He seems to have a lot of stay :thumbs:

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all dogs are in top order, seen these run last season and they can spin a hare, this seasn ahead will be there season to shine, best of luck with they pal you deserve a good one :thumbs:

The gloves are off this season :laugh: and the camera is coming out :thumbs:

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Nice dogs welcome. Red bitch stands out for me.. How they bred?

Thanks bill hard to say how their bred .I have their mothers line since the 80s which would have been mostly irish terrier dearhound and some saluki.Their mothers father was snatch that G.O had he was of captian.Their father is a dog that a young lad that hunts with us has hes a good little dog .Very little saluki in him more terrier i would say but hes a real game dog.

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