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Muslims Vs Russians

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It would be great if all colours ' casts ' belief's of the world could live in harmony

Most probably could ' but it's not working as a whole is it.

Measures need taking to sort the mess out.



What like electing one of two potential war mongers Hilary or Donald in the USA any chance of world peace will disappear rapidly.

Edited by desertbred
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DB was known as the "Tehran Terror" in his street fighting days. He has the strength of 10 men and steeps his hands in crude oil straight out of the ground

Why have they all got gloves on?.........street fight my arse, I've had more vicious fights with my best mate over who gets the windy end of a bus stop to sleep at 4 am !!

It all looked very gay to me ... Half dressed young men throwing themselves on top of each other ..... Oooooo sailor ......

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I see little chance of world peace, with or without Trump or hillary. As I have said my separation talk is merely internet dreaming of peace but definitely not realistic.


If you have a god or what ever pray to them because if a war does occur it certainly will not be one way traffic.

Edited by desertbred
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I see little chance of world peace, with or without Trump or hillary. As I have said my separation talk is merely internet dreaming of peace but definitely not realistic.

It was also the dream of Mohamed Ali.....no one called him for saying it


There will never be any peace because of Muslims......America attacks Iraq and a 4th generation muslim paki born In the UK goes all jihadi over it


Why does it affect him other than the fact Iraq shares his religion

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I see little chance of world peace, with or without Trump or hillary. As I have said my separation talk is merely internet dreaming of peace but definitely not realistic.


If you have a god or what ever pray to them because if a war does occur it certainly will not be one way traffic.

I have no doubt about it, I tell no lie when I say I have and have had many muslim friends, I know of bonding, pride, courage and audacity in muslims, I have also experienced and seen the bullying, corruption, stupidity, discrimination, lies, filth, crime and unjustified violence of muslims. It is not without thought or a heavy heart that I have ever spoken a bad word about muslims but this is my experience and my truth and I wish it was not so but I want islam far far away from me. Nothing personal to you or any other individual muslim.
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Gentlemen, I hope I don't piss on anyone's barbecue but BGD is right on the Genocide legal definition.

However even though you don't have to commit murder to commit genocide the other offences mentioned are theoretically enough to decrease numbers of said race quite quickly but mass murder is probably the best method to be successful on the genocide front.

Sorry brew mate you're wrong also. It has to be with the intent of exterminating a particular group of people. Sending them home is called deportation, resettlement or repatriation under international law not genocide or ethnic cleasing.

Edited to add the one exception is if you resettle with sole intention of preventing that groups continued existence. Again something which silver wasn't implying so it still stands, the self hating shit is wrong

Mushers I took that from the Convention of Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide which became effective in 1951 and ratified by 147 nations. It became law in 1969 in the UK.

Official international law on genocide mate your intention has to be the eradication /discontinument of a specific group ;)

BGD you have proven to everyone here what a tool you are. You accused a man of advocating genocide and ethnic cleansing and have been shown wrong yet you still try and argue the toss, it really is pathetic and so typical of you lefties/socialists.

I understand what you're saying Mushers bit my point was that mass murder to commit genocide is the most effective way to make genocide a success bit there are other methods which would be more time consuming and costly ie segregation and not allowing them to reproduce with the intended end result of genocide by having the group eventually die out.

Another method the serious injury one is much the same, injure them so their injuries kill them.

I'm only going off the stated legal definition.

As I said mate the end result has to be with the intention to fuucking rid the planet of them for it to be considered genocide!

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I see little chance of world peace, with or without Trump or hillary. As I have said my separation talk is merely internet dreaming of peace but definitely not realistic.


If you have a god or what ever pray to them because if a war does occur it certainly will not be one way traffic.

what wouldnt be one way traffic?

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That's how the majority of people would see Genocide


They wouldn't class the white flight from parts of London as genocide

Nope it would be more akin to ethnic cleasing of whites but we all know that's not possible right :hmm:

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Repatriation and ethnic cleansing are completely different things under International law, silver was advocating repatriation ;)


What happened in UK/USA and others during ww2 with rounding Germans up was incarceration to prevent disturbance of the peace. Totally legal in those days and nothing to do with genocide or ethnic cleansing. The extinction of the Germanic people's was not the agenda (genocide) nor was it to remove them from Germany their ancient homeland (ethnic cleansing) not was it to send everyone of them back to Germany (forced repatriation) ;)

Edited by mushroom
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Repatriation and ethnic cleansing are completely different things under International law, silver was advocating repatriation ;)


What happened in UK/USA and others during ww2 with rounding Germans up was incarceration to prevent disturbance of the peace. Totally legal in those days and nothing to do with genocide or ethnic cleansing. The extinction of the Germanic people's was not the agenda (genocide) nor was it to remove them from Germany their ancient homeland (ethnic cleansing) not was it to send everyone of them back to Germany (forced repatriation) ;)

What??? So I am not even guilty of ethnic cleansing now? Wait until bgd hears about this! Lol
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Repatriation and ethnic cleansing are completely different things under International law, silver was advocating repatriation ;)


What happened in UK/USA and others during ww2 with rounding Germans up was incarceration to prevent disturbance of the peace. Totally legal in those days and nothing to do with genocide or ethnic cleansing. The extinction of the Germanic people's was not the agenda (genocide) nor was it to remove them from Germany their ancient homeland (ethnic cleansing) not was it to send everyone of them back to Germany (forced repatriation) ;)




And it's hapenend more recently than WW2 too. Internment of Irish Rep's is what effectively led to the likes of Bloody Sunday I believe.


Infact, isn't Guantanamo effectively an internment camp?

Edited by Born Hunter
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