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Scope Recommendations?

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Although I've used a number of different friends' air rifles over the years, I've never owned one myself and am to all intents and purposes an air rifle novice. But I'm planning on finally buying my own, to be used primarily on rabbits. I'm thinking of getting one of the lower end Weihrauch models, probably either the HW 95K or HW 80 (if anybody has experience of either of these and can say what pros or cons they have I'd appreciate that, also suggestions on which calibre I should choose).


I have absolutely no idea where to even begin when it comes to choosing a scope - to a beginner like me the choice is bewildering. I know you get what you pay for and I don't want to be spending a fortune - ideally less than £150. Has anybody got any recommendations of something that will work well with the 2 guns I'm considering? Also if anyone has any pointers for good places to buy that would be great too....

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This one is really down to what you feel comfortable with in regards to the rifle.

You mentioned hw95 and 80, either of which would be perfect.

I've been chatting recently with Rez on here about scopes and the hawke airmax is one that keeps getting mentioned. Either a 2-7×32 or 3-9×40 is perfect and both less that £120, great build quality and glass is crystal clear.

If your doing a lot of dusk shooting you may need more than the 32 though to gobble as much light as possible.

That's just my take on it but there are lots very knowledgeable lads on here who will help pal.

Is it for target or hunting or both ?

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IMO the HW 95k is a great gun ,mine is pellet on pellet at 40 yards .

Mine has just started to get a twang now ,which seems to happen with most spring guns these days but easily fixed with a polish and relube or like me send it off and have the full works done

I did have a HW80k but could not get on with it ,so sold it they are better as a FAC gun

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Scope wise you need to look through a few to see which one suits your eyes .


For the money you have Hawke Panorama would be the one or Hawke vantage 3-9-44 SF about £140 , both very good scopes ,especially the Panorama

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I did not get on with it at first and was going back to the mtc mamba(my fav scope)


but now i love this panorama scope field of view is spot on and the glass is Cristal clear


and the tube is long enough for the mounts and lamp mounts if you do go lamping with your rifle


some thing you will have to look at if night shooting


as some scopes the tube is not long enough for the extra mounts you will need for the lamp mount to fit along side your scope mounts


airmax is another good scope i gave Rez a set i think they were his first set of air max


and he speaks highly of them


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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It might be worth keeping an eye on the sales threads ....


As good a Weihrauch springers are, I have heard about some questionable QC on brand new ones. A used one is likely to be sorted and bedded in.

I don't think you'll go wrong with either of the rifles that you're considering. They're both good quality and will last for years.


With a used rifle or scope, you will get more for money buying used but, you will sacrifice warranty.


Decisions, decisions :rolleyes:


Have fun choosing :thumbs:

Edited by Jonjon79
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  On 17/07/2016 at 09:49, bigmac 97kt said:



I did not get on with it at first and was going back to the mtc mamba(my fav scope)


but now i love this panorama scope field of view is spot on and the glass is Cristal clear


and the tube is long enough for the mounts and lamp mounts if you do go lamping with your rifle


some thing you will have to look at if night shooting


as some scopes the tube is not long enough for the extra mounts you will need for the lamp mount to fit along side your scope mounts


airmax is another good scope i gave Rez a set i think they were his first set of air max


and he speaks highly of them


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:


As several of you have recommended the Panorama that seems as good a starting point as any. Have looked at the Hawke Panorama web page http://www.hawkeoptics.co.uk/panorama-riflescopes.html and see quite a selection, but no mention of 3,9,50 AO, though there is a 3-9,40 AO. I'm guessing that would be similar? Forgive my ignorance, but what does the AO stand for?

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  On 17/07/2016 at 10:45, mattwhite said:

I can vouch for the panorama as I've got the 4-12×40 AO IR EV on my hw110 and its a belter but it's more than you were looking at spending at £160.

I pay,d £180 for mine when it first came out


here you go


and very very cheap


at £115

Hawke Panorama 3-9x50 AO IR Rifle Scope - Countryway Gu
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AO stands for adjustable objective. The objective lens is the one you don't look through.


An adjustable objective means you can perfectly focus at any range, where the crosshairs and your target focus together perfectly.


If they are not focused perfectly, you can get parallax error, which means if your line of sight isn't perfectly aligned your shot can be out.


Hope that sort of explains but it's a bit of a head bender.

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Thanks everyone, and bigmac thanks for taking the time to find that link - as you say, very cheap :thumbs: Very tempted to go for that, though I've spent quite a bit of time today on airgunforum, where comments on the Hawke Panorama weren't so glowing. The general consensus there seems to be that for a bit more money the Nikon Pro Staff is far superior. Anyone here got any experience of the Pro Staff?

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Yep. Glass is crystal. Just couldnt get on with the BDC reticle. There actually built for the rim fire cartridge you see, zero at 100 and then small circular mil dot corrspond to 200, 300 etc. You could go old school 30/30 though.


The build quality is faultless. I would have one again, just wish they did them with a touch more choice reticle wise.

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