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I try my best to keep my littleun away from this kind of shit. Can't be good for the brain.   Get them out in the field...  

Gat guns,peg guns,Dutchie arrows and a good game of manhunt lol beating f**k out of each other and scrumping fruit trees,joy riding milk floats on the local farm.atb dc

f***ing grown men on site banging on about it wtf?.atb dc

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Guest Navek

Kids do sure play some shit nowadays ...when I was a nipper I spent most my times making peg guns base,s and bow and arrows ... Until a shot the neighbour with it ....then I spent a lot time cleaning garden up ......for about month lol

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Carefull Wxm the mods b along shortly to delet the topic if you put pics like that up ...they don't like nudity or any revelling pictures,,,,, unless it's of men


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  • 2 weeks later...

Love it how you all get self righteous about phones and technology......yet are on here 24/7 ?

You can't be comparing adults on a hunting forum to kids chasing round nonsense characters on a phone? Can you?


It's not about being anti-technology mate, sure technology can be a great thing. But there's gotta be better things for kids to be doing than spending their childhoods caught up in it. There will be plenty of time for that later on.


Not to mention how easily nonces can use this kind of thing to get close to kids...

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Took the dogs for a stroll Sunday and bumped into about 20 teenagers running around a footpath hunting for the shit.one things for sure there's gonna be some poor kids getting robbed for thier phones etc.the lad I got labouring for us is on it-and the sad fuckers 28.atb dc

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