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Somthing Going Of In Nice France Now (30+Dead)

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Francois Hollande says "France has learned to live with terrorism"........   A shameful statement from the leader of a supposedly free country !

Let's be honest here what sort of decent people would want anythink to do with a religion where muslims kill innocent women and children,force their own daughters to marry old men, abuse school girls

Don't worry, we can put a French flag covering our Facebook profile pictures. That'll sort them out. I read recently that the French government stopped a law going through which was going to strip F

Man arrested with machete at nice vigil .... wtf is going on with the world http://metro.co.uk/2016/07/15/man-with-machete-arrested-at-nice-victims-remembrance-vigil-6009597/

These vigils are are a winning rosette to the terrorists , as much as I can see were people are at with them it reinforces the terrorists belief how soft we are ..I'm at the stage were I'd rather see people spitting nails of vengeance than standing round holding hands looking at candles ..It encourages them to more and more extremes knowing it will gain global audiences to propogate there message ..

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Man arrested with machete at nice vigil .... wtf is going on with the world http://metro.co.uk/2016/07/15/man-with-machete-arrested-at-nice-victims-remembrance-vigil-6009597/

These vigils are are a winning rosette to the terrorists , as much as I can see were people are at with them it reinforces the terrorists belief how soft we are ..I'm at the stage were I'd rather see people spitting nails of vengeance than standing round holding hands looking at candles ..It encourages them to more and more extremes knowing it will gain global audiences to propogate there message ..


Le Pen said so much.... lighting candles aint sorting the issues out

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Why cant religion/believing in made up crap be made illegal,in this day and age why anyone feels the need to pray/worship something,some one ?I do not know ,it is all rubbish gobble de gook! I dont think anyone needs that crap to lead a good life ,behave decently ,honourably.All ive seen is the amount of pain,suffering,and conflict caused by it ,and what for ?I know its just some form of control of the masses,but i know even if i was a muslim after seeing the atrocities carried out in its name ,i would disassociate myself with it as much as possible .

Sorry friday night rant over ! RIP all those innocent lives lost last night .

Not all faiths are violent mate, is yours?


Rip th innocent, an f**k them polywankinticians

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If you wanted to take over a country with military rule how would the powers that be go about it ? How about encouraging mass immigration on an incredibly large scale allowing millions of people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to wander free across open borders and take residence in any country they please with the "host" country being of a totally different ethnic and religious make up to themselves,then to make matters worse allow these immigrants to be immune from law allowing them to commit crimes with impunity and giving them every benefit and housing available and free healthcare even though they have never contributed a thing to the "host" country's economy and just let the natives pay higher taxes to cover the cost of it all. If the residents say anything accuse them of being "racist" and stamp them down appropriately, basically allowing these Immigrants to do what they please whilst the residents are powerless to do a thing. Then throw in a few terrorist attacks from these immigrants until eventually the natives fight back and chaos and upheaval starts across the whole country,then they will introduce martial law,which will bring further loss of liberties/rights etc for the natives. With armed forces patrolling the streets in full unanswerable control. Does this sound familiar ? Like they say everything happens for a reason.

Edited by MickC
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Guest Navek

It's a tragic waste of innocent lives. When are the authorities going to wake up and realise that "knowing" the suspects isn't enough? The cowardly dogs don't want a stand up fight with anyone who might fight back, so resort to killing women and kids.


Everyone is so worried about upsetting the decent Muslims that they don't stamp on the bad ones.


RIP everyone. You didn't deserve that.


Decent Muslim ???? Only good Muslim is a dead Muslim

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If you wanted to take over a country with military rule how would the powers that be go about it ? How about encouraging mass immigration on an incredibly large scale allowing millions of people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to wander free across open borders and take residence in any country they please with the "host" country being of a totally different ethnic and religious make up to themselves,then to make matters worse allow these immigrants to be immune from law allowing them to commit crimes with impunity and giving them every benefit and housing available and free healthcare even though they have never contributed a thing to the "host" country's economy and just let the natives pay higher taxes to cover the cost of it all. If the residents say anything accuse them of being "racist" and stamp them down appropriately, basically allowing these Immigrants to do what they please whilst the residents are powerless to do a thing. Then throw in a few terrorist attacks from these immigrants until eventually the natives fight back and chaos and upheaval starts across the whole country,then they will introduce martial law,which will bring further loss of liberties/rights etc for the natives. With armed forces patrolling the streets in full unanswerable control. Does this sound familiar ? Like they say everything happens for a reason.

You have summed it up and I agree totally, but what is the answer?
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Every country needs a Political party that is " for " there own country who will put its country's own people first before everything else. All these World leaders are being told what to do almost as if they are following orders which is going totally against what a country's people wants. To say anything against what is going on is "racist" . Political leaders should be held more accountable for there actions and more transparency is needed to see where these Political party's are getting there agendas from. imo

Edited by MickC
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If you wanted to take over a country with military rule how would the powers that be go about it ? How about encouraging mass immigration on an incredibly large scale allowing millions of people from different ethnic and religious backgrounds to wander free across open borders and take residence in any country they please with the "host" country being of a totally different ethnic and religious make up to themselves,then to make matters worse allow these immigrants to be immune from law allowing them to commit crimes with impunity and giving them every benefit and housing available and free healthcare even though they have never contributed a thing to the "host" country's economy and just let the natives pay higher taxes to cover the cost of it all. If the residents say anything accuse them of being "racist" and stamp them down appropriately, basically allowing these Immigrants to do what they please whilst the residents are powerless to do a thing. Then throw in a few terrorist attacks from these immigrants until eventually the natives fight back and chaos and upheaval starts across the whole country,then they will introduce martial law,which will bring further loss of liberties/rights etc for the natives. With armed forces patrolling the streets in full unanswerable control. Does this sound familiar ? Like they say everything happens for a reason.


Sounds very familiar........Turkey springs to mind !

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Every country needs a Political party that is " for " there own country who will put its country's own people first before everything else. All these World leaders are being told what to do almost as if they are following orders which is going totally against what a country's people wants. To say anything against what is going on is "racist" . Political leaders should be held more accountable for there actions and more transparency is needed to see where these Political party's are getting there agendas from. imo

Once again I agree totally but this will not happen without honest leaders and massive upheaval. Unfortunately this is what it has come to imho. I hope the truth wins in the end and not that it means much but I like your style.
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Every Country needs to be " operating " independently free from blanket rules being implemented far away from this said Country. The EU is one way of getting multiple Country's under one umbrella so to speak and covering them all with the same laws,rules,taxes and legislations. Hopefully with Britain voted out of the EU now other Country's will follow suit and the EU will be no more and Country's will be able to operate independently implementing there own laws,rules,taxes and legislations that are beneficial to there own Country and not somebody else's way of thinking.

Edited by MickC
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