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My situation doesn't allow for a big layout on a quad and I can't afford one anyway so I bought a really cheap chinese do-er upper.


It will serve my needs admirably as long as it's reasonably reliable. Just need it to get me around the farm. And it will have to live outside on the farm to boot.


Done all that needed doing but it dies after starting. Cleaned the carb but can someone tell me roughly where the carb screws should be?


After that I'll look for an air leak somewhere.


Any other ideas anyone?


Thanks. Paul

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Not to sound like a twat but the cheap Chinese shit is just that. I chucked £300 at one for my little girl last Christmas and she still hasn't had more than 5 minutes out of it now.


Any bike mechanics or quad specialists laugh when you tell them what it is. They wouldn't touch them with a barge pole.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news and I hope you have more luck than me getting it running.

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Nothing I haven't heard before Gaz but it's running well now. All it has to do is take me slowly around the farm. Not looking to take to the air at 30mph. Time will tell and if it proves to be up to the job I might even weld some struts to it to hang some camo nets.

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