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Do We Have A Guide On Pcp Ownership?

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Earlier this year I was looking at the night vision add ons. It just doesn't seem feasible to add one to a springer. Whereas it is straight forward on a PCP.


I would be tempted on a Yukon Photon but again, are these compatible with springers - do they have recoil sensitive components.

So again, a PCP has the versatility in this department.


Thanks for the replies. Even the rude ones

I asked about this before - I can't remember if it was on here or another forum..... the general consensus was that a springer is likely to wreck an NV kit sooner or later.


Someone did suggest putting rubber between the NV attachments and rifle to help dampen the effect from the recoil but, considering the cost of NV, I decided not to risk it.

Edited by Jonjon79
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Earlier this year I was looking at the night vision add ons. It just doesn't seem feasible to add one to a springer. Whereas it is straight forward on a PCP.


I would be tempted on a Yukon Photon but again, are these compatible with springers - do they have recoil sensitive components.

So again, a PCP has the versatility in this department.


Thanks for the replies. Even the rude ones

my mates got a yukon and loves it...

and there made for rimfires so it'll be fine on a springer :thumbs:

atb si

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I often read about people saying the air bottle is a con.


I think that unless you are out doing serious numbers then it's not gonna be a problem. I can't remember the last time I filled my air rifle from the bottle. I don't do much shooting granted but I'm sure I get 60-70 shots from a fill.


I've never taken that many shots in the field and therefore never needed to take my bottle with me.


I suppose it depends what you are doing and how many shots you need. But in general I think most people could leave the air bottle at home or in the car.

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