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Police Shootings Usa

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The idea of an agent of the state pulling a citizen over while they're driving along minding their own business and then they give the a citizen a series of orders and if they're not carried out to the letter the officer can shoot them dead and it's all the citizens fault because they should have known better doesn't sit right with me at all. Just seems to go against any ideas of liberty or freedom from the state to me...


"Well I would just roll over and do whatever the state told me." is definitely a good survival stratergy when it comes to encounters with US law enforcement it just doesn't seem like how you should have to behave in a free society. When one false move gives the state the right to gun you down are you really free?


Like you say though I'm not a libertarian so obviously I just don't understand.


well BGD if there was no crimes then there would be no need for police. The blacks are a feral race they revert back to tribal ways very quick, if they can't understand instructions very well then there's something lacking in them, and as for his hoe acting calm and thinking more about her camera, from my own view stick a camera in front of blacks and watch them riot as to who can out do who

Twice as many unarmed white folk were shot last year. Guess they're a feral race too?


Away and play in traffic, the grown ups are talking now.

then where's the white lives matter??? Fact is, the blacks bring it on themselves by how they chose to live and act. They need to change from within so the law has to change how they view them. Our soft twats out protesting about equality and black lives matter then some black racist shoots white cops, where's the lefty twats now???? Looking for something else to protest about
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'Aparantly' huh! Any other facts?   If we're to believe what's being reported he told the officer he was licensed CCW and then went for his pocket despite being told not to and the cop shot. Not bec

It's pretty clear how things go over here. Either who comply with the directions of a police officer or... it doesn't matter which race you are. As a point of fact more whites are shot by police than

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then where's the white lives matter??? Fact is, the blacks bring it on themselves by how they chose to live and act. They need to change from within so the law has to change how they view them. Our soft twats out protesting about equality and black lives matter then some black racist shoots white cops, where's the lefty twats now???? Looking for something else to protest about



They don't care about the whites or the blacks,IF (and it's a big if) they honestly believed blacks are just a poor persecuted minority,who're just as intelligent and capable as we are,then why don't they push to separate us?


Surely they'd get by fine by themselves,since they're the exact same as us and there'd be no white police killing their kids,no 'institutional racism',no poor young aspiring rappers/architects/footballers getting shot by neighbourhood watch etc etc


They only care about the narrative they've created.

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then where's the white lives matter??? Fact is, the blacks bring it on themselves by how they chose to live and act. They need to change from within so the law has to change how they view them. Our soft twats out protesting about equality and black lives matter then some black racist shoots white cops, where's the lefty twats now???? Looking for something else to protest about


They don't care about the whites or the blacks,IF (and it's a big if) they honestly believed blacks are just a poor persecuted minority,who're just as intelligent and capable as we are,then why don't they push to separate us?


Surely they'd get by fine by themselves,since they're the exact same as us and there'd be no white police killing their kids,no 'institutional racism',no poor young aspiring rappers/architects/footballers getting shot by neighbourhood watch etc etc


They only care about the narrative they've created.

i don't believe that all the blacks are bad, but they dwell on the past and the slavery, they happy to play the victim
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then where's the white lives matter??? Fact is, the blacks bring it on themselves by how they chose to live and act. They need to change from within so the law has to change how they view them. Our soft twats out protesting about equality and black lives matter then some black racist shoots white cops, where's the lefty twats now???? Looking for something else to protest about

They don't care about the whites or the blacks,IF (and it's a big if) they honestly believed blacks are just a poor persecuted minority,who're just as intelligent and capable as we are,then why don't they push to separate us?


Surely they'd get by fine by themselves,since they're the exact same as us and there'd be no white police killing their kids,no 'institutional racism',no poor young aspiring rappers/architects/footballers getting shot by neighbourhood watch etc etc


They only care about the narrative they've created.

i don't believe that all the blacks are bad, but they dwell on the past and the slavery, they happy to play the victim



I know they're not all bad,I don't even think most are 'bad'.


But they're inherently different and we don't mix,and that leads to tens of thousands of rapes,widespread murder,robbery etc and the occasional innocent dead black man/child every single year.

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Simple measures could be taken to prevent these incidents in the future. Surely officers could be fitted with a full body suit and ballistic face mask? I'm sure officers wouldn't be so trigger happy knowing that they have that protection.....

I don't think a ballistic face mask(never heard of one) would save any one from a close up 9mm or a .45 from a handgun never mind a 556 or .762 solid slug from a rifle.

Taiwanese soldiers wearing ballistic masks look like 'the cavalry from hell' | South China Morning Posthttp://m.scmp.com/news/china-insider/article/1336646/taiwanese-soldiers-wearing-ballistic-masks-look-cavalry-hell

Everyday is a school day lol.

I still wouldn't fancy taking a head shot. That would be some oh shit moment.

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Look at the aftermath, when the GF is asked to leave the car. What would have happened if she had said, she wasn't leaving her boyfriend? What if she was hysterical? get on your knee's after just seeing your boyfriend shot, look at the amount of gun's trained on her. Maybe being on Facebook saved her life, yet people want to berate her for her actions.


That's the whole crack, if she wasn't live streaming I bet she'd be another dead black person. All she had to do was help her boyfriend or freak out and they'd have been covered by "she went for his gun"

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then where's the white lives matter??? Fact is, the blacks bring it on themselves by how they chose to live and act. They need to change from within so the law has to change how they view them. Our soft twats out protesting about equality and black lives matter then some black racist shoots white cops, where's the lefty twats now???? Looking for something else to protest about


They don't care about the whites or the blacks,IF (and it's a big if) they honestly believed blacks are just a poor persecuted minority,who're just as intelligent and capable as we are,then why don't they push to separate us?


Surely they'd get by fine by themselves,since they're the exact same as us and there'd be no white police killing their kids,no 'institutional racism',no poor young aspiring rappers/architects/footballers getting shot by neighbourhood watch etc etc


They only care about the narrative they've created.

i don't believe that all the blacks are bad, but they dwell on the past and the slavery, they happy to play the victim

I know they're not all bad,I don't even think most are 'bad'.


But they're inherently different and we don't mix,and that leads to tens of thousands of rapes,widespread murder,robbery etc and the occasional innocent dead black man/child every single year.

why do they not promote hard work pays off, not the drugs, pimps, hos, beating women etc etc, they need strong black leaders geeing them up about hard work pays off not turning into lazy basstards that wan compo claims, diamonds for griiiiil (teeth). Walking with a limp etc etc, same for the Africans that have to walk 15 miles every day for clean water, did it never occur to the them to move hut??? When the blacks are led they thrive and work hard look at the USA for that they built it, they're part of it, but with the white mans lead and brains, but they should be proud of it not look for the doom n gloom
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why do they not promote hard work pays off, not the drugs, pimps, hos, beating women etc etc, they need strong black leaders geeing them up about hard work pays off not turning into lazy basstards that wan compo claims, diamonds for griiiiil (teeth). Walking with a limp etc etc, same for the Africans that have to walk 15 miles every day for clean water, did it never occur to the them to move hut??? When the blacks are led they thrive and work hard look at the USA for that they built it, they're part of it, but with the white mans lead and brains, but they should be proud of it not look for the doom n gloom



Would you want some other group calling the shots for your entire race?


We'll all be better off if we just separate,there's 30,000 rapes a year that won't happen straight away..... and they don't have to be oppressed anymore,getting killed 'for no reason' by police etc

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Simple measures could be taken to prevent these incidents in the future. Surely officers could be fitted with a full body suit and ballistic face mask? I'm sure officers wouldn't be so trigger happy knowing that they have that protection.....


They already have his names RoboCop!

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This is and, for the foreseeable future, will always be a very emotive issue.


In this thread alone I've read some very good arguments for both sides - Not always articulated as well as it could have been but, I can certainly see the sense on both sides of the argument.


However, I do think the fact is that the world just isn't ready for full integration yet - that'll be a very slow process. Right now, Mankind thrives on conflict - Try to step back and look at it. There's not necessarily anything wrong with it - it's just the human condition that we have right now.


Things may be different in a few generations but, right now, we are tribal and territorial


Sure, it would be good for all the shit to stop but, this isn't a Utopian society. We have cause and effect and, the snow ball just keeps rolling.


The best we can hope for is that it doesn't turn into one almighty f***ing mess.

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It's pretty clear how things go over here. Either who comply with the directions of a police officer or... it doesn't matter which race you are. As a point of fact more whites are shot by police than Blacks and Hispanics combined. You have to separate yourself from the rhetoric and concentrate on what is true. Shootings by police are less then one, one thousands of total arrests. Considering we seem to be a fairly violent nation that's not half bad.


I am from Detroit and know a fair number of blacks both at work and living next door. They are afraid of the police and this might be as much from folk lore and hyped up news reports as from personal experience. We have targeted racial profiling in an effort to take the pressure they feel off. But it has not had much of an impact. Maybe as time goes on things will improve for them both in reality and perception.


For the poster who postulated that mankind is not ready for racial integration. I'm not sure how it is over there but here we are mostly segregated by income and wealth. We should probably be focusing on this.

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Its pretty obvious what happened, the guy told the copper he was carrying got all shitty because he felt opressed prob went for his id in a mood copper tells him keep his hands visible as he KNOWS hes armed, guy ignores him and copper unloads.like already said if someones pointing a gun at you do what your told like ot or not. Its easy to sit in blighty judging but if 100 british coppers a year were killed in duty we would have trigger happy armed police here aswell. In the meantime real racists and leftists are using all this to push there BLM movement ( surely all lives should matter?) and also restrict firearms.

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