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aspartame.chemical sweetener

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to all you folks out there who care about their own health,

log on to google or any search engine and just put in aspartame,

dont take any notice of the first few www., they are written by the makers,

i.e. canderel,equal,etc,follow the links to the real truth ,

you may be very suprised what you are drinking.

my 18 year old son had 3 seizures in 1 hour on his birthday through drinking too much diet coke

and spent a week in intensive care,as a result he was banned from driving and as he was also learning to fly cessna,s

was banned from that ,and scuba diving,

only after 7 months of tests and brain scans and mri scans did the

neurologist admit it was caused by aspartame.

i write this because it can happen to you.

it,s pretty devastating to see your healthy son trying to bite through his own tongue on his 18 th birthday.

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Aye, should be careful lads. Me personally just been diagnosed with epilepsy 6 months ago, and at sixteen it turned me on a real downer. Just been put on anti depressants, and in conjuction with the anti epileptic drugs having some awful side effects

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Ive been trying to tell folk about this for years but they just look at me like I am from Mars when I say about the crazy chemicals in stuff nowadays. I have a high intolerance to caffeine and artificial sweetners like aspartame and also anything that says it has phenylalanine (sp) in it. This means most soft and fizzy drinks (ribena is about the only one I will drink) and diluting juices. Basically anything which says SUGAR FREE or NO ADDED SUGAR on it will have one or more of these nasties in it :thumbdown: The side effects for me of drinking fizzy drinks are that they make me tense, agitated, irritable, restless, twitchy and generally a downright nasty fecker (well nastier than normal :laugh: ) and to think many people pump their kids full of this shit on a daily basis :icon_eek: think of all the fizzy drinks and sweets etc kids like to eat, its no wonder you see so many hyperactive, grizzly kids driving their parents insane :icon_eek: most folk dont notice stuff like this cos they are immune to it, but I bet if you stopped taking the sweetners in your tea/coffee or the fizzy drinks etc you would notice the difference in your mood as well as your health :yes:

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  boris b said:
If you have a fit in the bath staffy make sure someone throws your dirty clothes in and some daz , you can kill two birds with one stone and do your washing .

i think that reply is a bit harsh boris.b.

the lad is only 16 and has been diagnosed with something that no 1 would want :no::no:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

The shit really hit the fan about Aspartame about three years or so ago. That crucifyingly hot summer?


Tesco had shelves stacked with the stuff. And guess what they did with it, having learned it's considered Highly Carcinogenic? Why, they slapped a 'Two for the Price of One' label on the sceptic shit and started stacking it on the lowest shelf of their soft drinks displays! Right where kiddies would be best able to grab a bottle and say, " Mummy ....! " :censored:

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My son has a condition called Phenylketoneurea (PKU) which means he has a very strict diet (his body cant process protein the way most of us can). The most important thinh to avoid is Phenylaline and aspartime both of which are found in Diet drinks, these substances are toxic to his brain. It seems hes not the only one. Sympathies to all.



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  trappa said:
I use a stuff called "splenda" in my tea. Its a sweetener but its made from sugar, tastes like sugar ( instead of insipidly sweet ) but it hasnt no-where near the calories and wont rot your teeth.


well sugars not many calories wht not have a little bit of sugar

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  Kay said:
  trappa said:
I use a stuff called "splenda" in my tea. Its a sweetener but its made from sugar, tastes like sugar ( instead of insipidly sweet ) but it hasnt no-where near the calories and wont rot your teeth.


well sugars not many calories wht not have a little bit of sugar

I would but i drink gallons of tea a day!!

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  eddy cochran said:
to all you folks out there who care about their own health,

log on to google or any search engine and just put in aspartame,

dont take any notice of the first few www., they are written by the makers,

i.e. canderel,equal,etc,follow the links to the real truth ,

you may be very suprised what you are drinking.

my 18 year old son had 3 seizures in 1 hour on his birthday through drinking too much diet coke

and spent a week in intensive care,as a result he was banned from driving and as he was also learning to fly cessna,s

was banned from that ,and scuba diving,

only after 7 months of tests and brain scans and mri scans did the

neurologist admit it was caused by aspartame.

i write this because it can happen to you.

it,s pretty devastating to see your healthy son trying to bite through his own tongue on his 18 th birthday.

is this what quick talking johnson is taking :clapper::clapper:

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