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5 Genarations Of Foxing

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My great grandfather was head keeper to the then Lord bath and had 6 yes 6 under keepers .His wife ,my great grandmother was ladies maid to the then lady Bath .His father was head keeper on an estate in the Scottish borders .I have an old pic somewhere of them both on a grouse moor with a couple hundred brace grouse layed out .Different times .

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I think it's either in your genes or it isn't and it can't be forced onto someone. I know good dog men who's sons just aren't interested in the dogs. And then on the flip side good dog men who are the first in their family to be into the dogs. I've been mad keen into the dogs since a young age yet both my parents have nothing to do with them. However my Grandad used to do terrierwork with the local hunt and did plenty of hare coursing in his younger years so it must have skipped a generation to me?

Edited by Rabbit Hunter
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I think it's either in your genes or it isn't and it can't be forced onto someone. I know good dog men who's sons just aren't interested in the dogs. And then on the flip side good dog men who are the first in their family to be into the dogs. I've been mad keen into the dogs since a young age yet both my parents have nothing to do with them. However my Grandad used to do terrierwork with the local hunt and did plenty of hare coursing in his younger years so it must have skipped a generation to me?


I'm in same boat - neither of my parents had the slightest interest in dogs (neither does my only sibling) but my paternal grandmother was dog mad and her husband (who died when I was very young) was apparently mad keen on coursing.

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My grandfather was know locally as "the poacher", two out of four of his sons carried on, my father the more involved than the other, and out of 7 grandsons, I'm the only one doing it, and I only have one child and it's a girl. Almost 80 years of knowledge of every sett, den, burrow, rutt and all else handed down will end with me I fear.

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My grandad had whippets terriers and ferrets all his life till about 4 years ago when he wasnt capable to look after them no more. When my dad was a young lad my grandad had jobs as a steel a rector working away in the likes of japan for months on end my dad got left with the dogs and ferrets he sed he hated every secound of it after that never had a dog till i nagged him that much to get 1 as a young lad

Edited by crazydave
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My grandfather was know locally as "the poacher", two out of four of his sons carried on, my father the more involved than the other, and out of 7 grandsons, I'm the only one doing it, and I only have one child and it's a girl. Almost 80 years of knowledge of every sett, den, burrow, rutt and all else handed down will end with me I fear.

I'm on my way

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My grandfather was know locally as "the poacher", two out of four of his sons carried on, my father the more involved than the other, and out of 7 grandsons, I'm the only one doing it, and I only have one child and it's a girl. Almost 80 years of knowledge of every sett, den, burrow, rutt and all else handed down will end with me I fear.

I'm on my way
Lol, thanks son.
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