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Pat Cross's?

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We take a lot of coon from ground sets right here in Illinois.      

Got this mink out of a creek bank that had been thoroughly excavated by beaver. Took the red dog a minute to get it bottled up, but as always he did not dissapoint.  

There are a lot that are big but there crosses and there to big to go to ground and the one that do the crosses don't hunt they just sell them. The ones that really like to hunt need a Spannable do

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About four years old, would have a long line of names, workers, going back over forty years, seems to be it's own throughout breed, like a Nuttal terrier or something. Going back would have, Nuttal, Stevens, Powell, harcombe, gould, parks, other lines too, the border terrier go back long way, levi oaks, handy size good worker to me, hard to believe how the breeding could through out,

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I've only had these dogs for about nine years. That's the ones in these dog's family. Had similar ones and the same years ago. Got my first black patterdale 32years ago. Had a border terrier few years later and then about over twenty years ago had a patterdale same type of breeding. Smaller and aborder dog and afell bitch type had a few others and my friends had different ones and similar what I saw work

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Yes. I wasn't sure of one lad was wheeler or nuttal. It was a good worker though. And I saw the dog very tidy line looked tightly bred must been through the same bitches. A man I know owned and worked him. I don't know if the wheeler in the other lines of dogs ancestor's

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