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Pointer Lurcher After Some Obedience And Scent Work Training

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Here's a little story to go with my video....


I breed rats in my garage for training the Mink and selling to feed snakes and stuff like that, and Onsa goes with me in the garage all the time, so she knows they are in there. One day I took Onsa out in the front yard while I was playing with one of my new baby mink. Onsa started running back and forth in the garden all excited like I had hidden something for her to find. She had her head down and was sniffing intently with her nose as she ran around in the garden. Finally she ended up at the garage sniffing along the bottom of the sliding door. I leave the sliding garage door open about 6 inches at the bottom so it doesn't get too hot in there, because that's where I keep the rats we breed.


She was sniffing along this crack like she wanted to go in the garage so I open the door and let her in to see what she would do. There were rats in cages all over the garage, but she totally ignored them and started sniffing up on a shelf all excited. So I went and grabbed my mink Rio and turned her loose on the shelf. The Shelf runs the entire length of the garage so it's pretty extensive and full of stuff that a rodent could hide in. Rio sniffed around and finally got to the place where the dog was sniffing and immediately I heard a squeak and a scuffle.


Then after a little scuffle the rat came flying out with Rio chasing it. Onsa immediately grabbed and killed the rat. She's totally solid with the mink! No desire to grab the mink at all even when the Rat and mink are only inches apart. The Mink actually had the rat by the tail while Onsa had it by the head! I'm really proud of her for being so careful with the mink, and for knowing the difference between the rats in the cage and the one loose in the garage! That takes a lot of understanding! The rats in the cages were literally 10 feet away from the loose one but she knew the difference!

Edited by Minkenry
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Looks good mate. Pup has got some patience.


You're not allowed to drag live rats in cages about over here though :icon_eek:.​

Not trying to be rude, but you guys can't breath on an animal without your government's permission. It's a crying shame what the liberals have done to your country! I fear we are quickly headed the same direction! :(

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Great stuff Minkenry - Onsa's coming on superbly considering you'd only had her 3 weeks in that vid. Keep up the good work - you're going to end up with a first rate hunting companion that'll not only up your find and catch rate, but will DRAMATICALLY increase the enjoyment and satisfaction you get from your trips :thumbs:

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Thanks for your complements guys, I am VERY pleased with my pup! I don't believe I deserve as much credit as I'm getting, as this little lurcher really is a an amazing dog to work with! It amazes me how so many good traits have ended up in one dog! She seems just as smart and easy to train as some of the border collies I've trained to be cow dogs, and she's a complete natural with her nose, reminding me of a Vizsla I once worked with! I don't think I could be happier with how this dog is turning out! She really is a pleasure to work with, and makes me look better than I deserve :)

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Thanks for your complements guys, I am VERY pleased with my pup! I don't believe I deserve as much credit as I'm getting, as this little lurcher really is a an amazing dog to work with! It amazes me how so many good traits have ended up in one dog! She seems just as smart and easy to train as some of the border collies I've trained to be cow dogs, and she's a complete natural with her nose, reminding me of a Vizsla I once worked with! I don't think I could be happier with how this dog is turning out! She really is a pleasure to work with, and makes me look better than I deserve :)

you ever trained any apbt 's for hunting , as ive read that there used alot on wild pigs in your country .

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