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Planning A Litter..

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Might line my first x saluki greyhound after the season coming.. Don't no what to use yet was thinking pure but not sure on 3/4 saluki greyhounds, I no of a dog he a first x saluki whippet that's got a good few seasons under his belt and has killed field and fen dead of winter same as my bitch has both jump both 25tts both got plenty of speed.. Has anyone on here ever seen a litter bred this way?

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Had a genuine first X saluki whippet had some fun with him. And put a few to bed not the greatest of pics but I ll stick them up atb taffey


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post-56664-0-10995400-1467150529_thumb.jpgmy bitch I'm going to line.. Don't no wether to go for the first x saluki whippet dog or a line bred dog there one out bully x Heidi I can use that's a good dog but just thinking of personal prefferance I run a lot of fields round Oxfordshire/Wiltshire so like something up n at them..
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Go for what you want mate not what others want atb mud

yeah defiantly mate I like the idea of the first x saluki whippet to her I no there have plenty speed and prey drive just wondering about wind thats why asking if anyone seen a x like that before but saying that there be half saluki 1/4 grey 1/4 whippet
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If the saluki whippet runs with you and the land you intend to hunt and it is successful then go for him. Seen a few saluki whippet types make handy dogs, 100% excitement. Proper whizz bangers.

that's the thing I'm worried about like speed and excitement but also like something can stay abit.. The dog got 3 runs on big land in him so has bitch so they should stay aslong as needed if the pups had 3 3minute runs in them twice a week I'd be happy the parents have so I can't see why they shouldn't
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No went to a retirement home I lined a pure whippet bitch with him to keep bit of blood here gifted 2 to lads I have a spin with and 2 other lads bought 1 each should be very sharp off the mark ideal for land I run so I see them go,sept time they be 13 months and look very nice at moment hope ya find a genuine 1 if that s what ya want to use I know a lad in Wales had litter bro to mine could ask him if he still about

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